2000字范文 > 写意人物画 freehand figure painting英语短句 例句大全

写意人物画 freehand figure painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-02 20:20:51


写意人物画 freehand figure painting英语短句 例句大全

写意人物画,freehand figure painting

1)freehand figure painting写意人物画

1.As Chinese has a long history, Chinesefreehand figure paintingmust have very generous culture and humanism lneaning.中华民族悠久漫长的文明史造就了博大精深的华夏文明,置根于这片沃土之上的中国写意人物画也必然蕴含丰富的人文内涵。


1.Hand and Heart Express Mind--On Drawing Chinese Expressional Portrait;心手相应 取象达意——略述中国写意人物画写生

2.The influential factors of freehand brushwork写意人物画的以形传神影响因素研究

3.Momentum for Distant View and Essence for Close-shot --Teaching Essay on Freehand Figure Painting from Life;远取其势 近取其质——写意人物画写生教学随感

4.On the Display of Freehand Brushwork in the Elaborate-style Figure Painting;浅议“写意性”在工笔人物画中的表现

5.Image Nature and Value Orientation of Chinese Realistic Figure;中国写实人物画的意象性特征与价值取向

6.The Development of Freehand Brushwork of Meticulous Figure Painting in Modern Transformation论工笔人物画在现代转型中的写意性发展

7.The Evolution of Characters" Sprits in Chinese Realistic Paintings中国写实油画中人物精神风貌的演变

8."an ancient art, Chinese painting falls into three categories - portrait, landscape, flower-and-bird; and two styles meticulous and freehand."作为一门古老的艺术,中国画包括人物,山水和花鸟三大类;两种风格:工笔和写意。

9.Ink and Color Remaining in the World: A Study on Su Baozhen s Freehand Brushwork in Flower-and-bird painting;彩墨精神留人间──苏葆桢写意花鸟画艺术探略

10.His painting style combined fine brushwork with freehand brushwork, traditional Chinese skills with Western skills, and the work of the Chinese literati with folk paintings.他把工笔与写意结合起来,把中国传统画法与西洋画法结合起来,把文人画与民间绘画结合起来。

11.An Analysis of the Characterization in Fortress Besieged Through Interpersonal Meaning;人际意义视角下的《围城》人物刻画

12.Center looks at "the cartoon" in "Besieged city"--Tries analyzes "Besieged city" the character portrait description;在《围城》中看“漫画”——试析《围城》的人物肖像的描写

13.A Comparative Analysis of the Stylistic Functions of Thought Presentation in The Prussian Officer;从心理描写分析《普鲁士军官》中人物的刻画

14.Exploring the Psychological Description by Studying the Eye Description in Lu Hsun;从人物眼睛的描写探视鲁迅小说的心理刻画

15.Portrayal of the Characters Psychology by Detailed Description of "Smile" in A Dream of Red Mansions;《红楼梦》中“笑”的细节描写对人物性格心理的刻画

16.On the National Aesthetic Consciousness from the Development of the Chinese Figure Painting;从中国人物画的发展看民族审美意识

17.On Reasons Why the Chinese Freehand Figure Painting Changed in the 20~(th)Century;20世纪中国意笔人物画变革的动因

18.A Brief Talk on Creating Chinese Freehand Flower-and-Bird Painting in Class;浅谈中国画教学中写意花鸟画的创作


Briefly on Expressive Painting from Figure论意笔人物画写生

3)realistic figure写实人物画

1.The core of Chineserealistic figure is not a realistic representation but image nature.中国写实人物画的核心不是逼真、再现,而是意象性。

4)Chan and Metaphorical Drawings by Literati禅与文人写意画

5)traditional Chinese figure painting意笔人物画

1.Intraditional Chinese figure painting, artist usually prefers black and white to other colors.传统的意笔人物画 ,主要以水墨为主 ,用色很少。

6)Practical character Porcelain picture写实人物瓷画

1.The thesis emphasisPractical character Porcelain picture creation should be both imaginable and vivid able And the question to grasp and the efficient ways to use.着重论述写实人物瓷画创作要获得形神兼备的艺术效果,必须掌握的问题和运用的有效方法。


