2000字范文 > 中国人物画 Chinese figure painting英语短句 例句大全

中国人物画 Chinese figure painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-23 06:23:14


中国人物画 Chinese figure painting英语短句 例句大全

中国人物画,Chinese figure painting

1)Chinese figure painting中国人物画

1.The realistic thought on the development ofChinese figure painting in 17years since PRC s foundation;建国后中国人物画发展的现实思考

2.Enlightenment and artistic function ofChinese figure painting;兴成教化与中国人物画的功能

3.This dissertation tries to analyse from the angle of the national aesthetic consciousness from the development of theChinese figure painting.本论文试从中国人物画的发展看民族审美意识的角度进行论述。


1.Enlightenment from the Technique of Chinese Line Drawing in Chinese Figure Painting to Fashionable Dress Painting;中国人物画线描技法对时装画的启迪

2.The Teaching and Reference of Art Lan guage in Chinese Figure Panitings中国人物画艺术语言的转化与教学

3.Talk about the Creations of Chineses Figure Painting from Gu Kaizhi s Perspective of Form and Verve;从顾恺之的形神观谈中国人物画创作

4.On the National Aesthetic Consciousness from the Development of the Chinese Figure Painting;从中国人物画的发展看民族审美意识

5.The realistic thought on the development of Chinese figure painting in 17years since PRC s foundation;建国后中国人物画发展的现实思考

6.Modeling Evolution of Modern Chinese Painting Portraits近现代中国画创作中人物画的造型演变

7.Talking about "Emotion" in China in the Role of Ink Figure Painting;浅谈“情感”在中国水墨人物画中的作用

8.On the Emotional Articulation of "Lines" in Traditional Chinese Portraits;论中国传统人物画中“线”的情感性表述

9.The Evolution of Characters" Sprits in Chinese Realistic Paintings中国写实油画中人物精神风貌的演变

10.Historical Evolution of " Vivid Touch" of Ancient China Figure Painting中国古代人物画“传神”说的历史演进

11.On Reasons Why the Chinese Freehand Figure Painting Changed in the 20~(th)Century;20世纪中国意笔人物画变革的动因

12.Disscue of Chinese New Modern Ink and Wash Painting Kind: Not Bone Portrait Painting试论中国现代水墨新类—没骨人物画

13.Chinese brush painting can be classified into three main categories: landscape painting, bird and flower painting, and figure painting.国画分为三大类:风景画、花鸟画和人物画。

14.Investigation Report on the Portraits in the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Seven Museums对中国七个博物馆(院)明清人物画考察报告

15.Development and Changing Process of the Sculptuing Concept in Chinese Inkwash Portraiture简论中国水墨人物画中造型观念的发展与变化

16.Learning from Western paintings, Xu also incorporated his knowledge of human anatomy and modeling in his figure paintings.徐悲鸿吸收西画中重视人体解剖、造型精确的特点,用于对中国画人物形象的刻画。

17.Past & Future:Figure Painting Studio in China Center Academy of Arts回顾与前瞻——试述中央美术学院国画系水墨人物画室

18.The king is represented as a villain in the play.在这出剧中把国王刻画成一个反面人物.


Chinese historical figure painting中国古代人物画

1.Based on art therapy and aesthetic views, several representative factors of beauty in form aboutChinese historical figure paintings such as line, color (including ink color), character modeling composition and so on will be discussed in the essay.本文就中国古代人物画中具有代表性的形式美因素,诸如线条、色彩(包括墨色 )、人物造型及构图等几个方面,以艺术学、美学的观点作一论述。

3)Chinese freehand figure painting中国意笔人物画

1.Taking into account the social and historical backgrounds and focal debates on Chinese art, this paper points us to the important historical facts during the process ofChinese freehand figure paintings toward modernization, evaluates its theory and practice in the development of its content, forms and skills, and studies the main schools and representative personages in different phases.结合20世纪的百年中国社会发展历程背景,以及每阶段中国美术论争的焦点问题,介绍有关中国意笔人物画现代化历程中的重要变革史实,评析中国意笔人物画在内容、形式和技艺发展中的理论和实践,对20世纪中国意笔人物画在不同历史阶段(具体分开创性试验期、探索性发展期和多样化繁荣期三个阶段)中的主要流派及其代表人物,进行分别阐述。

2.The article makes an analysis of the background condition of the modernization ofChinese freehand figure painting from two aspects: the externalrestriction and selfdiscipline of the art s development.20世纪中国意笔人物画走向现代化的背景,主要应从艺术发展的他制性和自律性两个方面进行分析。

4)the teaching of Chinese painting中国人物画教学

5)Chinese figure painting in meticulous style中国工笔人物画

1.Since the introduction of Western painting techniques ,Chinese figure painting in meticulous style painters who generally improve the ability of shape, color, composition and also constitute a new expansion.本文尝试系统的梳理画论及分析优秀中国工笔人物画作品,并加以归纳,通过(一)工笔,写意,写意画这三个概念的界定;(二)传统工笔人物画写意性的具体体现;(三)写意性在当代工笔人物画中的体现;(四)减弱写意性的探索型画家,这四个部分论述了中国工笔人物画的写意性。

6)China drama portrait中国戏曲人物画


