2000字范文 > 元代山水画 Landscape Paintings of Yuan Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

元代山水画 Landscape Paintings of Yuan Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-03 16:52:00


元代山水画 Landscape Paintings of Yuan Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

元代山水画,Landscape Paintings of Yuan Dynasty

1)Landscape Paintings of Yuan Dynasty元代山水画


1.Changes of Painting Materials and Changes of Ideas and Techniques of Landscape Painting in the Yuan Dynasty;论绘画材质之变与元代山水画观念和技术之变

2.A Transformation from Physical Surroundings to Spiritual Surroundings;“物境”到“心境”的转变——浅析元代山水画之变

3.In the middle-late of Yuan Dynasty, the cultural center transferred to Jiangsu area.元代中后期,文化中心转向江苏地区,元代山水画也走向成熟之境。

4.A Brief Review on Freehand Brushwork Description of Landscape Painting in Yuan Dynasty Based on the Four Painting Masters;小议元代山水画的写意精神——以元四家的作品为例

5.an example is the Four Great Painters of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368)."元四家",是指元代四个突出的山水画家:

6.The Chinese landscape painting art develops to Yuan Dynasty again a big change, is scholarly of the landscape painting to turn, personify.中国山水画艺术发展到元代又一大变,是山水画的文人化、人格化。

7.The Yuan Dynasty painters later developed landscape painting from this basis.元代画家在这样的基础上,把山水画又推上一个新的高峰。

8.The Scenery Has the Boundary--Song Yuan Landscape Painting Composition Evolution and Drawing Thought;山水有境——宋元山水画构图演变及绘画思想研究

parison and Research of Real Scene Landscape and Chinese Modern Landscape;真景山水画与中国现代山水画的比较研究

10.On the Formation of the Idea of Adoring Abstraction in the Landscape Paintings and the Poems for Them in Song Dynasty;论宋代山水画及题山水画诗中尚意观的形成

11.The Comparison between Traditional and Modern Chinese Landscape Painting;传统中国山水画与现代中国山水画之比较

12.The Skills of Paintings of Traditional and Modern Mountains-Waters --On the Development of Painting Skills;传统山水画与现代山水画——试论笔墨的发展变化

13.Talk of Traditional Chinese Landscape Paintings and Modern Landscape of the Aesthetic Characteristics谈中国传统山水画与现代山水画之审美特征

14.The Poets’ Self-presence in the Poems for Landscape Paintings in the Song Dynasty;论宋代题山水画诗“画中有我”的自寓性

15.A "Painting Master of the Time":the Zenith of Classical Landscape-(On the painting art of Wang Shigu);“当代画圣”:古典山水画的巅峰——王石谷绘画艺术论

16.Mural Tombs of the Yuan Period in the Kangzhuang Industrial Area of Tunliu County,Shanxi山西屯留县康庄工业园区元代壁画墓

17.A vivid history of Chinese painting of Ming Dynasty一部活脱脱的明代山水画史——读《南京博物院藏明代山水画集》

18.The Influence of the Geomantic Omen on Landscape Paintings of Five Dynasties to Early Song Period;由五代宋初山水画论看风水学对山水画成熟的影响


Appreciation of Landscape Painting in the Yuan Dynasty元代山水画之美

3)The Appreciation of the Landscape Painting in Yuan Dynasty元代山水画的审美

4)On the Literati Landscape Painting of Yuan Dynasty论元代文人山水画

5)paintings of mountains and waters in Song-Yuan Dyansties宋元山水画

1.And with thepaintings of mountains and waters in Song-Yuan Dyansties as the model and example, the text make some probe into its formation, its artistic achievement and the artistic conception’ beauty of traditional Chinese arts.本文将意境这一艺术形象进行了尝试性的阐述,并以意境塑造的典范——宋元山水画为例展开,初步探讨宋元山水意境形成的原因、达到的艺术成就以及中国传统艺术的意境之美。

6)landscape painting in Qing Dynasty清代山水画


《元代画塑记》中国元代绘画雕塑著作。为官修《经世大典·工典》中的一部分。它记录了元代元贞元年(1295)至至顺元年(1330)的35年间,中书省工部所辖诸色人匠总管府及其下的梵像提举司所属匠师,奉旨从事雕塑、绘画工作的内容及所需材料名目数量等,也是官府支配雕塑、绘画等匠作用料的准则定例。该书还记录了当时大都(今北京)、上都(今内蒙古多伦县境)的重要雕塑创作活动。这些雕塑作品久已不存,其他文献又少有记载,因此这本书在中国美术史上具有重要价值。从书中所记近30宗画、塑项目中可见,有绘、织的皇帝、皇后肖像,有以金、银、铜浇铸和泥塑的各种喇嘛教神像,还有泥塑三清、三皇、城隍等道教神像,以及先师、亚圣、十哲等神化了的儒家形象。《元代画塑记》的历史价值还在于它保存了一些元代画家、雕塑家的材料。除阿尼哥、刘元两位著名的雕塑家外,还有阿僧哥、那怀、吴同佥、张提举(刘元之弟子)、李同知、八儿卜、李肖岩及其作品的记载,大都是古代文献中所仅见的珍贵史料。另外,书中对于塑、画所需各种材料的详细记录,对研究古代雕塑、绘画也有不可忽视的价值。元《经世大典》除序录见于《元文类》外,久已散佚。仅《永乐大典》卷 18287中尚存一小部分遗文,清萍乡人文廷式从中录出有关画塑的内容辑为《元代画塑记》一书,19被收入日本《广仓学窘丛书》印行。1964年人民美术出版社据"广仓"本调整标题后,收入《中国美术论著丛刊》印行。
