2000字范文 > 《一个美国人在巴黎》 《An American in Paris》英语短句 例句大全

《一个美国人在巴黎》 《An American in Paris》英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-14 14:23:36


《一个美国人在巴黎》 《An American in Paris》英语短句 例句大全

《一个美国人在巴黎》,《An American in Paris》

1)《An American in Paris》《一个美国人在巴黎》

1.《An American in Paris》is an important symphonic poem composed by George Gershwin, another masterpiece after the success of《Rhapsody in Blue》It is one of the most developed symphonic jazz compositions composed by Gershwin It thoroughly demonstrates the writer\"s techniques of composing.《一个美国人在巴黎》是格什温创作的一部重要的交响诗作品,它是继《蓝色狂想曲》之后格什温最为成功的作品之一,同时也是他最为成熟的“交响爵士乐”作品。


1.On the Application of "Jazz Factors" to Gershwin"s Symphonic Poem “爵士乐”因素在格什温交响音诗《一个美国人在巴黎》中的运用初探

2.SIR– As an American born here in1982 to Lebanese parents it was disheartening to watch the destruction of Lebanon.先生–作为一个生在美国有黎巴嫩双亲的美国人,目睹着黎巴嫩被毁十分痛心。

3.Be Bullied American In Paris在巴黎受气的美国人

4.a suburb of Paris; site of the international airport serving Paris.巴黎的一个郊区;一个服务于巴黎地区的主要的国际机场所在地。

5.A Distinguished Provincial at Paris一个著名的外省人在巴黎

6.A man in a Paris hospital who needs blood,一个在巴黎医院需要输血的男人、

7.We put ourselves on the trail of any Armenians who lived in Paris.(我们追踪任何一位住在巴黎的亚美尼亚人。

8.Anna was a dear old servant in our house in Paris.安娜原是我们在巴黎家里的一个可亲的老佣人。

9.Japanese-American relations were further embittered at the Paris Peace Conference.日、美关系在巴黎和会上进一步恶化。

10.and when one says student, one says Parisian: to study in Paris is to be born in Paris.凡是学生,都是巴黎人,在巴黎求学,便算生在巴黎。

11.Not speaking French in Paris is a real disability.在巴黎不讲法语实在是一个缺陷。

12.The first phase of the war was a tremendous rush of the Germans upon Paris and an invasion of East Prussia by the Russians.在战争的第一阶段,德国人大举进攻巴黎,俄国人侵略东普鲁土。

13.A city of north-central France, a mainly residential suburb of Paris. Population,54, 610.安东尼市法国中北部一城市,巴黎一个主要的居住郊区。人口54,610

14.Laplace retired to Melun, a small city near Paris.Laplace隐居在巴黎附近的一个小城市梅龙。

15.He found a temporary lodgment in Paris.他在巴黎找到了一个临时住所。

16.After the armistice he had spent a month in Paris.停战以后他在巴黎呆了一个月。

17.Last year in Germany, two men of Lebanese origin planted bombs on commuter trains (they failed to explode).去年在德国城铁上安置炸弹(没有爆炸)的两个人原籍为黎巴嫩。

18.Miss Blanche goes abroad and marries in Paris a count with doubtful title.布兰奇小姐出走国外,在巴黎与一个来路不明的伯爵结了婚。


the American colony in Paris巴黎的美国人区.

3)American expatriates in Paris居于巴黎的美国人

4)a contact in Paris在巴黎的联络人




