2000字范文 > 出口倾向 Export propensity英语短句 例句大全

出口倾向 Export propensity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-19 02:25:08


出口倾向 Export propensity英语短句 例句大全

出口倾向,Export propensity

1)Export propensity出口倾向


1.Foreign Direct Investment, Export Propensity and Technology Spillovers;外国直接投资、出口倾向与技术溢出效应

2.Analysis on Export Propensity and Effect of the Foreign Direct Investment to China from Japan and Korea日韩对我国直接投资企业的出口倾向及效应的比较分析

3.Industrial countries tend to support domestic production and thereby inhibit imports and encourage exports.工业国则倾向于支持国内生产,从而阻止进口和鼓励出口。

4.The marginal propensity to import, in other words, is a "leakage" from the expenditure stream.换言之,边际进口倾向是支出流量中的一个“漏出量”。

5.The population gravitates towards the town.人口有集中都市的倾向。

6.The fiver poured its waters through the breach.河水从缺口倾泻而出。

7.In recent years, they lean to export goods with high extra value and high specialization.近几年,他们更倾向于出口具有高附加值的、高度专业化的产品。

8.Empirical Analysis on the"Immiserizing Growth"Tendency in Chinese Textile Export;我国纺织品服装出口“贫困化增长”倾向的实证分析

9.An Empirical Study on Relations between U.S. Antidumping and U.S. Manufacturing Industry"s Import, Output, and FDI美国反倾销与制造业进口、产出、直接投资双向关系——基于VAR模型实证

10.disposed of to a purchaser.对购买者有售出倾向的。

11.the gravitation of the population from the country to the cities人口从乡村向都市集中的倾向

12.Experience has predisposed him to is very secretive.经验使得他(预先)倾向于守口如瓶。

13.Research and Application of the High Strength Cast Iron without ChillingTendency高强度无白口倾向铸铁的研究与应用

14.Tendence of Oral Style in Chinese Writing by Overseas Students in China;试析留学生汉语写作中的口语体倾向

15.Experiment Study of Burst Tendency of Coal and Rock Layers at Tangkou Coal Mine唐口煤业煤岩层冲击倾向性试验研究

16.After operation, we observe bleeding black and blue in skin and life index, in case of low blood volume and inclination of blood.术后注意观察伤口有无渗血 ,皮肤紫斑及生命体征 ,以避免低血容量及出血倾向。

17.Dumping occurs when an exporter sells a product abroad for less than it charges at home, or for less than it costs to make.一个出口商以低于国内售价或生产成本向国外销售某种商品,就构成了倾销行为。

18.From hearing comes wisdom; from speaking comes repentance.悔恨出于开口讲,智慧来自倾耳听。


average propensity to export平均出口倾向

3)Marginal propensity to import边际出口倾向

4)exporting dumping出口倾销

5)dumping export倾销出口

6)Hemorrhagic Tendency出血倾向

1.Objective To investigate the safety and efficacy of electrocautery in hemorrhagic tendency patients(being treated with anti-coagulant and anti-platelet) during permanent pacemaker implantation.目的研究对有出血倾向患者(正在进行抗凝和(或)抗血小板治疗)施行电灼术在永久起搏器植入术中的安全性及可靠性。

2.The objective of this study was to confirm the hypercoagulabale state and hemorrhagic tendency exsiting in chronic renal failure and then expound the mechanism of chronic renal failure leading to thromboembolic and hemorrhagic disease by detecting the marker of hypercoagulabale state and hemorrhagic tendency.通过对APTT、PT、FIB、PLT、MPV、PDW的观察研究,在慢性肾衰竭患者中监测凝血参数及血小板参数,有助于为临床医生提供血栓形成和出血诊断的相应的实验室检查标准,也可为临床中此类指标出现异常的患者是否需行抗凝和止血治疗提供参考,对判断病情、及时纠正血栓形成和出血倾向及疗效观察提供有力的帮助。


