2000字范文 > 港口物流园区 port logistics park英语短句 例句大全

港口物流园区 port logistics park英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-18 03:49:04


港口物流园区 port logistics park英语短句 例句大全

港口物流园区,port logistics park

1)port logistics park港口物流园区

1.Port Logistics Park Construction and Operation Mode港口物流园区建设与运营模式研究

2.The paper introduces the current situation of the research onport logistics park,proposes the research direction,studies the coordination ofport logistics park in city cluster with coordination theory and puts forward the coordination mode and measures forport logistics park.介绍了港口物流园区的研究现状,提出了港口物流园区的研究方向,以武汉"1+8"城市圈获批"资源节约型和环境友好型"(简称"两型社会")国家级综合配套改革试验区为背景,利用协同学研究城市圈港口物流园区协同,提出港口物流园区的协同模式与方法。

3.This paper combines the construction ofport logistics parks with the practice of Dongdu-Xiangyu Logistics Park,which is a representativeport logistics park.港口物流园区的建设,是发展现代物流的重要基础。


1.A Study on the Development Strategy of Fuzhou JiangYin Port Logistics Park福州江阴港口物流园区发展战略研究

2.On the development strategy of Yangzhou harbor logistics park ponder based on scenario planning基于情景规划的扬州港口物流园区发展战略

3.Study on the Traffic Organization of Port Logistics Park Based on the Occurrence Law of Traffic Flow;基于交通发生规律的港口物流园区交通组织研究

4.Study on the Method of Plan Construction of Port Logistics Park and Application;港口型物流园区规划建设方法及应用研究

5.Probe into the Construction of Modern Logistics Zone Based on Pivotal Port;基于枢纽港口的现代物流园区建设探析

6.Study on the Prediction of Freight Traffic Volume in Port Container Logistics Park港口集装箱物流园区货运交通量预测研究

7.Case of Port Logistics: Logistics Center of Free Trade Zone of Tianjin Port;港口物流案例:天津港保税区物流中心

8.To Improve the Logistic Port Function in Qinzhou with Bonded Port;以保税港区提升北部湾港口物流功能

9.Industry Cluster for Yantian Logistics Distripark;盐田港物流园区实施产业集群的研究

10.Analysis of Port-centered Logistic Park Based on Cellular Automate Model基于元胞自动机的临港物流园区分析

11.The Planning Study of the Logistics Dewelopment of Xiaoshan Port of Hangzhou Port;杭州港萧山港区港口物流发展规划研究

12.Research on Port Logistics Developmental Strategy Based on Port Location Potential Theory基于港口区位论的港口物流发展战略研究

13.Feasibility research of China and ASEAN free trade zone logistics park which basing on Guangxi port development and its suggestion;基于广西港口发展的中国-东盟自由贸易区物流园区建设的可行性研究与建议

14.Based on Regional Economic Development of the Port Approaching Logistics Park Construction;基于区域经济发展的临港物流园区建设研究

15.Research on Zone-harbor Gear Type Bonded Logistics Zone s Development and Construction;区港联动型保税物流园区发展建设研究

16.The development of port logistic park & its contributions to the regional economy;临港物流园区的发展及对区域经济的贡献

17.The Research on Developing Strategy of Beihai Zone-harbor Gear Type Bonded Logistics Zone北海区港联动保税物流园区的发展战略研究

18.SWOT Analysis on Modern Port Logistics Development in the West Coast Economic Zone of the Strait;海峡西岸经济区港口物流发展SWOT分析


Liaoning port logistics distriparks辽宁港口物流园区

3)Airport logistics park空港物流园区

1.Research on planning for Pudong airport logistics park in Shanghai;上海浦东空港物流园区规划研究

2.From the perspective of industrial cluster, this paper analyzes the formation mechanism of airport logistics park, researches the competitive advantages of airport logistics park by using the "diamond model", and proposes recommendations for enhancing the industrial cluster competitiveness of airport logistics park.空港物流园区是由一系列航空物流企业和机构组成的产业集群。

4)Deep-water Port Logistics Park深水港物流园区

5)Port Approaching Logistics Park临港物流园区

1.Based on Regional Economic Development of thePort Approaching Logistics Park Construction;基于区域经济发展的临港物流园区建设研究

6)inland port logistics park陆港物流园区

1.At present, the building ofinland port logistics park programs continuously introduced throughout our country, and even a regional plan and construct several ones, which obviously not propitious to the healthy development ofinland port logistics park.目前,全国各地建设陆港物流园区的方案不断出台,甚至一个地区规划建设数个陆港物流园区,这显然不利于其健康发展。


