2000字范文 > 一画论 a painting theory英语短句 例句大全

一画论 a painting theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-05 13:53:44


一画论 a painting theory英语短句 例句大全

一画论,a painting theory

1)a painting theory一画论

1.The Origin of Aesthetic Thought of Shi Tao′s "a painting theory";石涛“一画论”审美思想探源


1.The Study on the Evolution of the Theory of Primordial Line and the Theory of One Point;“一画论”与“一点论”演进之研究

2.Identity of cosmic origin and painting origin and subjective creation--Shi Tao s aesthetic thought about one line;宇宙生成论、绘画起源论、主体创造论的同一说——关于石涛“一画论”的美学思想

3.Painting,Calligraphy and Poem: Three Kinds of Artistic Uniqueness Achieved by Prof.Qigong s;一生三绝画书诗——论启功先生的题画诗

4.Both Poems and Paintings Are Originally the Same.They are Natural,Neat and Clean--Su Shi′s Theory about Painting;诗画本一律 天工与清新——苏轼的绘画理论

5.put forward an argument, a plan, a suggestion, etc提出一论据、 一计画、 一建议等

6.On the Heaven-Man-Entity Concept of Tang Wenxian s Art Criticism;试论汤文选画论思想的天人合一之道

7.The first piece of studies on Wen Yi-duo s theory of are categories,by reading Word and Picture;闻一多艺术类型论研究之一:读《字与画》

8.Written theories on painting first appeared during the Warring States Period.在这一时期的文献中,已经有了关于绘画的理论论述和绘画记载。

9.The YiHua Theory s Ontological Meaning:The Philosophical Basic Of Shi Tao s Aesthetical Thought in His Works The Collection of Theories on Painting;“一画”的本体论意义——论石涛《画语录》美学思想之哲学底蕴

10.He draw a diagram to explain his theory.他画了一张图来解释他的理论。

11.After much argument we thrashed out a plan.我们经充分地讨论制定出一个计画.

12.Experimental Plot of Literati Paintings──on the Bamboo & Stone Paintings in Yuan Dynasty文人画的试验田──论元人竹石一科

13.She" s keen to get in on any discussions about the new project.她一心想参加有关新计画的讨论.

14.frame a theory, plan, set of rules, etc创立理论、 拟定计画、 制定一套规章.

15.The vivid artistic conception is a traditional topic of Chinese drawing.气韵生动是中国画论一个传统话题。

16.On“the Finishing Point”--Art Terms Usingin the Comments of Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasty;“点睛”:明清小说评点中的画论术语一探

17.On Unity of Composition and Artistic Conception on Traolitional Chinese Painting;中国传统画构图——论构图与意境的统一

18.To draw a humorous or satirical representation of; caricature.画漫画为…画一幅幽默或讽刺性的画;画漫画


We draw along.一起画画。


1.The paper discusses the spiritual evolution from "Wai Shi Zao Hua,Zhong De Xin Yuan" to "Yihua" through Xu Fuguan s Confucian study to Chinese painting,and such an evolution is made by the painters self-cultivation.徐复观对中国画人艺术修养之嬗变的心性学考察,论述了“外师造化,中得心源”到“一画”之间的精神升进关系,而这种升进正是画人人格修养工夫之所致。

2.ShiTao regarded the theory of “YiHua” as the orinin of Painting.石涛的“一画”论作为绘画的本体,是以老庄道学及新儒家的有关哲理为基础;海德格尔认为“真理”的本质是神秘的“非真”,并且提出了艺术就是真理的生成与发生。

4)theory of painting画论

1.and classical garden,and thetheory of paintings had been applied to many famous classical gardens.中国古典园林史表明,山水画与山水园林关系非常紧密,以画论代园论指导园林设计和建设的案例屡见不鲜。

5)painting theory画论

1.This paper attempts to fully analyze and study Zong Baihua spainting theory.本文试图对宗白华画论进行全面分析和研究,分四个部分。

6)Lun Huɑ《论画》


