2000字范文 > 有效教学策略 effective teaching tactics英语短句 例句大全

有效教学策略 effective teaching tactics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-17 07:19:27


有效教学策略 effective teaching tactics英语短句 例句大全

有效教学策略,effective teaching tactics

1)effective teaching tactics有效教学策略

1.Many teaching facts show that only by using someeffective teaching tactics can improve students studying efficiency.为了提高学生语文研究性学习的效率,应把握以下有效教学策略:创设情境策略,教师引导策略和合作性策略。


1.Research and Practice of Effective Teaching Strategy for the Chemistry Classroom;化学课堂中有效教学策略研究与实践

2.The Effective Teaching Tactics of Chinese Learning Based - on Study;试论语文研究性学习的有效教学策略

3.The Study on the Effective Teaching Strategy of Carbon Dioxide Property;“二氧化碳性质”的有效教学策略研究

4.Reflection on School-Based Research into Effective Teaching Strategies关于课堂有效教学策略的校本化研究

5.Implementing and Study of the Effective Teaching Tactics in Inclusive Course of Teaching Methodology;语文教学论全纳课程有效教学策略的实施研究

6.Exploration to Implement Effective Teaching Strategies of Physics Exercise Teaching in Junior Middle School初中物理习题教学中实施有效教学策略探索

7.Implementing Micro-experiment, and Constructing Effective Teaching Strategies of Middle School Chemistry;开展微型化学实验,构建中学化学有效教学策略

8.The Strategies that Help the Teachers Develop Classroom Dialogue Teaching Efficiently教师有效开展课堂对话式教学之策略

9.Research on Effective Teaching Strategy in Chinese Reading Course in the Middle School;中学语文阅读课堂教学有效策略研究

10.The Study on the Strategies for Chinese Classroom Teaching Efficiency in Primary Schools;小学语文课堂教学策略的有效性研究

11.A Study on the Strategies of Effective Participation in High School Chemistry Teaching;高中化学课堂教学有效参与策略研究

12.Strategies in Raising Teaching Efficiency of Senior Middle School Maths;提高高中数学教学有效性的策略探究

13.Implementation strategies of effective cooperative study in P.E.;体育教学中有效合作学习的实施策略

14.Teaching Strategies of Adult Education under the Concept of Effective Teaching;有效教学理念下的成人教育教学策略探究

15.Explore Strategies to Enhance the Effectiveness of Teaching High School Biology;探索提高高中生物教学有效性的策略

16.Application on Class Discussion Strategy Based on Effective Teaching Theory;有效教学理念下课堂讨论策略的运用

17.The Research on the Strategies of the New Curriculum Physics Effective Teaching in Senior High School高中新课程物理有效教学的策略研究

18.Strategies for improving class teaching of biology探索提高生物课堂教学有效性的策略


Effective mathematics teaching tactics有效的数学教学策略

3)research on effective teaching strategies有效教学策略研究

4)strategy of the effective communicative teaching有效交往教学策略

5)effective strategies有效策略

1.This paper begins with analyzing main reasons for influencing English vocabulary acquisition,in accordance with modern teaching theories,basic requirements for higher vocational english course and relevant vocabulary learning strategies,so as to research and exploreeffective strategies for promoting their vocabulary.本文从影响高职学生英语词汇习得的主要原因分析入手,结合现代教育理论、高职高专英语课程教学基本要求和相关的词汇学习策略,就促进高职学生英语词汇习得的有效策略进行了理论研究和探讨。

2.As to the errors and their causes of formation,this essay also discusses sixeffective strategies on how to correct the tone errors in th.针对偏误和成因,本文还探讨了在对外汉语声调教学中纠正声调偏误的六种有效策略。

3.Taking modern educational theories and the new curriculum reform ideas as a theoretical framework,and combined with the author s long time teaching practice,this paper puts forwardeffective strategies for carrying out the cooperative learning in advanced mathematics teaching.运用现代教育理论和新课程改革的思想,结合自己多年的教学实践,提出了在高等数学教学中实施合作学习的有效策略,即做好合作学习的前期准备工作,发挥教师在合作学习中的引导、监控和调节作用,注重合作学习完成后的评价工作。

6)efficient strategies有效策略


教学策略教学策略instructional strategy教学策略(instruetional strategy)教师在教学过程中为达到一定的教学目标而采取的一系列教学方式和行为。教师可根据学科特点、题材及儿童的年龄阶段选择不同的教学方法,如讲授法、讨论法、发现法、指导发现法、自学辅导法等。(蒋兆灿撰车丈博审)
