2000字范文 > 防治技术 control technique英语短句 例句大全

防治技术 control technique英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-09 03:48:30


防治技术 control technique英语短句 例句大全

防治技术,control technique

1)control technique防治技术

1.Integratedcontrol techniques for bacterial shot-hole in plum;李细菌性穿孔病综合防治技术

2.Occurrence regularity andcontrol techniques of Dynastes gideon in pear orchard;梨园橡胶犀金龟发生危害规律及防治技术

3.Study on occurring conditions of gingko leaf blight and itscontrol techniques;银杏叶枯病的发生影响因子与防治技术研究


1.Research on technique for controlling disaster from blowing snowonto highway with snow fence防雪栅栏对公路风吹雪灾害的防治技术研究

2.Cleaner Production and Pollution Prevention and Control Technologies of Chemical Industry in France法国的化工清洁生产和污染防治技术

3.The Occurrence Law and Control Technology of America Vegetable Leafminer, Liriomyza Sativae Blanchard美洲斑潜蝇发生规律与防治技术研究

4.The Techiques Research on Highway Sand Hazard Precaution and Control in Shannan Region of Tibet;西藏山南地区公路沙害防治技术研究

5.The Preliminary Study of Formative Mechanism and Control Technology on Sand-sliding Slope;溜砂坡形成机理及防治技术初步研究

6.Study on Technology of Eliminating the Foggy Yarn in the Spinning Department of the Cotton Mill;纺织细纱车间“煤灰纱”防治技术的研究

7.A Study on the Prevention Techniques to Gas of the Diversion Tunnel in Zipingpu Hydro Project;紫坪铺工程导流洞瓦斯防治技术研究

8.Technical Assessment Research of Longjing Landslide in Chong-zun Highway;崇遵高速公路龙井滑坡防治技术研究

9.Study on Weeds Community Structure and Its Control Technique in Tobacco Field;烟田杂草群落结构及其防治技术研究

10.The Etiology on Dioscorea Black Spot and the Disease Control;穿山龙黑斑病病原学及防治技术研究

11.Studies on Occurrence of Ustilaginoidea Virens (Rice Green Smut) and Its Controlling;稻曲病的发生特点及其防治技术研究

12.Studies on the Pathology & Control Measures of Cyclaman Leaf Spot Disease;仙客来叶斑病病原学及防治技术研究

13.Research on Low Public Hazard Integrated Control Technology of Tobacco Pest;烟草病虫害低公害综合防治技术研究

14.Studies on the Succession of Weed Communities in Paddy Field and Their Control Techniques;稻田杂草群落演替及其防治技术研究

15.Studies on Occurence and Control of Epitrimerus Pyri (Nalepa) in Pear;梨上瘿螨发生规律和防治技术的研究

16.Studies on the Occurrence and Control Techniques of False Smut of Rice;水稻稻曲病发生规律与防治技术研究

17.The Study on Developing Rule and Occurrence and Control Tecology of Poplar Pests in Xinyang;信阳杨树病虫害发生及防治技术研究

18.Study on Pest of Edible Fungi and Their Integrated Control Techniques;食用菌害虫种类调查及防治技术研究


control techniques防治技术

1.Population dynamics andcontrol techniques of Thrips palmi Karny of vegetables(Brassica oleracea);蔬菜棕榈蓟马种群动态及其防治技术研究

2.The occurrence andcontrol techniques of Fentonia ocypete(Bremer) on chestnut fields in Southern Zhejiang province;浙南板栗园栎粉舟蛾的发生规律及防治技术

3)control technology防治技术

1.The field population dynamic andcontrol technology of black cicada in fragrant pomelo orchard;柚园黑蚱蝉田间消长规律及防治技术

2.Recent advances on thecontrol technology of infectious diseases of citrus fruits;柑橘果实采后侵染性病害防治技术研究进展

3.A research oncontrol technology of subterranean termites in longan garden of Daxin County;大新县土栖白蚁危害龙眼调查及防治技术初探


1.Study on Occurance and Control of Chinese Rice Locust;中华稻蝗发生规律与防治技术研究

2.Identification andcontrol in soybean rootrot;大豆根腐病的识别与防治技术

3.Bionomics andcontrol ofGibbovalva quadrifasciata;肉桂突细蛾生物学特性及防治技术

5)prevention technology防治技术

1.Analysis andprevention technology for roof fall accident at mining coal face caused by geology structure;地质构造引发采面冒顶事故原因分析与防治技术

2.The mechanism andprevention technology of the inrush water disaster warning of karst tunnels岩溶隧道涌突水灾害预警与防治技术

6)water control technique防治水技术


