2000字范文 > 社会分工 social division of labor英语短句 例句大全

社会分工 social division of labor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-10 04:40:15


社会分工 social division of labor英语短句 例句大全

社会分工,social division of labor

1)social division of labor社会分工

1.As a social system based on the division of humanity, the analysis on the universality of human structure that has been shaped by thesocial division of labor is of great significance.作为制度根据的人性为社会分工所规定,所以,分析社会分工所型塑的人性结构的历时性与普遍性具有重要的意义。

2.The difference in interests exists because of the labor relations;the psychological differ-ence exists because of thesocial division of labor.企业存在劳动关系,从而存在利益差异,企业民主管理可以缓和劳动关系双方的利益冲突;企业存在社会分工,从而存在心理差异,企业民主管理可以在一定程度上满足企业不同成员的心理需求。


1.The Movement of Theory and Practice about Social Division and Harmonious Society;论社会分工与和谐社会的理论及现实运动

2.The Interpretation of Emile Durkheim s Thought,"Social Solidarity";涂尔干“社会团结”思想解读——读《社会分工论》

3.On Division of Labor in Society, in Firms and in Firm Nets;论社会分工、企业分工和企业网络分工——对分工的再认识

4.Ethogram and labor division in the carpenter ant Componotus tonkinus金毛弓背蚁行为谱与社会分工的研究

5.The Influence of Social Division on the Development of High-Tech Enterprises;论社会分工对高科技企业发展的影响

6.Understand Smith s Division of Labour Theories Set Up the Social Harmonious Division of Labour;解读斯密分工理论,构建社会和谐分工

Revenue Distribution System with Cost Deduction--A Socialist Society Wang Distribution Method;除本分成制——社会主义社会工资的一种分配方式

8.A central part of this job will be working with the developer community.这项工作的中心部分会是社区工作。

9.The Social-law Analysis of the State-owned Corporation Responsibility to Its Employee;国有企业对员工社会责任的法社会学分析

10.Investing Social Capital--a Sociological Analysis on the Rural Workers Job Searching;投资社会资本——农民工求职过程的社会学分析

11.Analyzing the Use of Social Exchange Theory in Group Work分析社会交换理论在小组社会工作中的应用

12.Working Division,Social Stratification and the Difference of the Roles of Genders;劳动分工、社会分层与两性角色差异

13.Research on the Second Disintegration and the Classified Social Security for Migrant Worker农民工二次分化与分类社会保障研究

14.A Meaningful Attempt of the Specialization and Professionlization of Social Work:A Case Study of Shanghai Lequn Social Work Service;社会工作专业化、职业化的有益探索——上海乐群社工服务社个案分析

15.Naturalization of the study of social work is a significant component of the naturalization of social work in China.社会工作研究的本土化是社会工作本土化的重要组成部分。

16.Analytical Tools of Social Constructivism and Their Significance for Social Engineering Study;社会建构主义的分析工具及其对社会工程研究的意义

17.The Localization of Social Work--An Analysis of the Social Work Development in Shanghai;社会工作的本土化发展——上海社会工作发展过程分析

18.The Policy of Prisoner Correction in Community under the View of Empowerment;社会工作充权视角下的释犯社区矫正政策分析


social division社会分工

1.The action ofsocial division to social harmonious is always interested by thinkers.社会分工在实现社会和谐中的作用一直为思想家所关注。

2.Although in earlier period of mankind,the men and women ssocial division of labor has already appeared,the real division of sex inequality is estabilished in the privately owned system.虽然在人类的早期,就已经出现了男女的社会分工,但真正的性别不平等的分工是在私有制建立的基础上产生的。

3.Based on the systems analysis on the Marxian capital productivity,this paper regards Marxian theory of capital productivity as an integer,which is set out from laborer and based onsocial division and composed of three levels logic analysis,that is capitalism brief collaboration,workshop handicraft industry,and machinery industry.对马克思的关于资本的生产力的相关论述进行了系统分析,认为马克思关于资本生产力的理论观点,是从劳动力主体出发,以社会分工为基础,通过资本主义简单协作、工场手工业和机器大工业三个现实层次的逻辑分析,从中揭示出资本的所有权派生的占有权对总体劳动者集体力的控制是资本生产力的核心内容,其目的性就是占有剩余价值——劳动者个体力剩余劳动和总体劳动者集体力的价值。

3)social division of work社会分工

1.Relation model between transportation development andsocial division of work based on Markov chain;基于马尔可夫链的交通发展与社会分工关系模型

2.Development of centralized production andsocial division of work are the dual manifestation of socialization of production.生产集中化和社会分工的发展实际上是生产社会化的二重表现和形式 ,通过集中化 ,提高劳动的社会生产力和规模效益 ;通过社会分工 ,实现专业化 ,提高劳动的个别生产力和专业生产水平。

4)labor division社会分工

1.Ethogram andlabor division in the carpenter ant Componotus tonkinus;金毛弓背蚁行为谱与社会分工的研究

2.Scale oriented agricultural operation must be based onlabor division.农业产业化的进程可分为商品化、市场化和工业化三个阶段 ,体现了产业之间分工、产业内部分工和企业内部分工等三个社会分工发展的不同过程。

5)division of labour社会分工

1.The paper holds that the conventional elements, such as financial and banking policies, useful as they are, are but short-term mechanisms while thedivision of labour and system evolution are the mechanisms that play long-term roles in the economic development of Western China.社会分工发展不足是制约西部经济增长的主要因素,财政政策和货币政策只是促进西部经济发展的短期政策,这种政策只能短期启动经济,而不能长期促进西部经济的发展,社会分工和制度变迁是促进西部经济发展的长期机制。

6)division of labor社会分工论

1.The theory ofdivision of labor in society and the mind-body dualism are the foundation of “doctrine of unique importance of specialized education”,which is detrimental to harmonious development of talents.社会分工论与身心二元论是“唯专业教育论”的两种理论基础,都不利于培养全面和谐发展的人。


