2000字范文 > 英语语法:短语by sea for a moment的用法​

英语语法:短语by sea for a moment的用法​

时间:2022-12-04 18:10:51


英语语法:短语by sea for a moment的用法​


推荐阅读:英语语法基础班预报名.3上几期学习了英语语法:短语make money,make way的用法、英语语法:短语take care,take effect的用法、短语a number of,at all的用法、短语be about to,be going to的用法关注微博:@读外刊学英语

5.by sea乘船 & by the sea在海边用法:by sea表示“坐船舶,乘船”,侧重交通方式,相当于by ship, by water。而by the sea则表示“在海边”,侧重位置,相当于near the sea。例句1:It was reported that the goods had been smuggled out by sea.据报道,物品已经从海上偷运出境。结构分析:It是形式主语, was是系动词(过去式), reported是过去分词作表语, that引导的句子是真正的主语, the goods是主语, had been smuggled out是谓语, by sea是方式状语,通过海运这种方式。例句2:At last, they had to send their father to a sanatorium by the sea.最后,他们不得不送父亲去海边的一个疗养院。结构分析:At last是状语, they是主语, had to send是谓语(过去一般时态), their father是宾语, to a sanatorium是宾语补语,by the sea是介词词组作地点状语。6.for a moment片刻,一会儿 & for the moment暂时,目前用法:for a moment表示时间短促,相当于for a second, for a while,比如wait for a moment(等一会)。for the moment则表示“现在,目前”,相当于at present, now。例句1:Jack stood on the square for a moment and left sadly.杰克在广场上站了一会,伤心地离开了。例句2:The supplies are out of stock for the moment. (12月四级)这些物资目前没有库存了。

作业动词短语:in a word总之 & in words口头上用法:in a word表示“总之,简言之”,相当于in short, in brief, 一般用于句首,表示总结。而in words则表示“用语言,在口头上”,相当于on the blob。例句1:In a word, I think your character is not congruous to this job.总之,我认为你的性格不适合这份工作。例句2:If you can’t convey your feeling in words, just give her hug.

英语外刊,精读练习:There can be no doubt that the O.J. Simpson case has been instrumental in bringing national and international attention to the growing epidemic of domestic violence. All the talk shows have devoted considerable time to the issue, so certainly consciousness has been raised to a much higher level because of the tragic murder of Nicole Brown Simpson.【WORKERS WORLD】
