2000字范文 > 英语语法:短语in a word in bed的用法​

英语语法:短语in a word in bed的用法​

时间:2019-09-02 11:25:04


英语语法:短语in a word in bed的用法​


推荐阅读:英语语法基础班预报名.3上几期学习了英语语法:短语make money,make way的用法、英语语法:短语take care,take effect的用法、短语a number of,at all的用法、短语be about to,be going to的用法、短语by sea,for a moment的用法关注微博:@读外刊学英语

7.in a word总之 & in words口头上

用法:in a word表示“总之,简言之”,相当于in short, in brief, 一般用于句首,表示总结。而in words则表示“用语言,在口头上”,相当于on the blob。

例句1:In a word, I think your character is not congruous to this job.


结构分析:In a word是状语, I是主语, think是谓语, your character is not congruous to this job整个是宾语从句,其中your character是主语,is是系动词,not congruous(适合的) to this job是表语(形容词+介词词组,构成形容词词组)。

例句2:If you can’t convey your feeling in words, just give her hug.


结构分析:If引导状语从句,连接主句与从句, you是主语, can’t convey是谓语, your feeling in words是宾语, just give是谓语,her是间接宾语, hug是直接宾语。

8.in bed卧在床上 & in the bed在床上

用法:in bed表示“卧在床上”,强调人生病了,而in the bed只是单纯表示在床上。

例句1:Did you hear that Anna needs to stay in bed for 4 weeks? (6月六级)


例句2:When I arrived home, I found the cat was in the bed. (12月四级)


作业动词短语:in charge of负责,主管 & in the charge of由……负责用法:in charge of和in the charge of都是介词短语,后面跟名词或者代词作宾语。但是in charge of表示主动,主语一般是人。而in the charge of 表示被动,主语是物,相当于in one’s charge。

例句1:I’ll have you speak with the director in charge of new accounts. (12月四级)

语法点:例句中的in charge of是介词短语作定语,修饰director。

例句2:The boss said all the information was in the charge of the accountant.

英语外刊,精读练习:This is partially based on articles previously published in Workers World newspaper to commemorate International Working Women’s Day. New information has been added.【WORKERS WORLD】
