2000字范文 > 上海推六项举措更好服务外国人疫情期间出入境


时间:2021-07-24 03:15:46




针对疫情防控期间的特殊情况,上海市公安局开通办证绿色通道,为在沪外国人提供签证延期和停居留证件加急办理等便利服务,截止2月 17日,累计加急办理证件400余证次;提供24小时咨询热线,直接为中外人士答疑解惑;利用官方网站、微博、微信公众号、电子邮件、手机短信等渠道进行信息发布,发布疫情防控期间移民与出入境工作提示提醒,推送国家移民管理局编发的英、俄、法、德、日、韩等多语种版《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎公众预防提示》和中英双语版《疫情防控期间移民与出入境管理工作问题解答》,每日更新《近期有关国家入境管制措施提醒》,截止2月17日,已累计推送9428次,受众外国人17余万人。




I. Offering green passages and urgent services. For foreigners in need of urgent visa services due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the EEAB (Exit-Entry Administration Bureau) will provide instant services for visa application and issuance. For those institutions which host high numbers of foreigners, such as universities and business enterprises, the EEAB will open green passages and provide necessary conveniences according to relevant demands.


II. Releasing information and enhancing communication. The EEAB will issue a prompt guide and tips on public prevention of pneumonia caused by COVID-19 via WeChat, Weibo, SMS and official website. A 24-hour hotline is in service for questions concerning exit-entry administration during the period of prevention and control. The EEAB will further communicate with foreign consulates and chambers of commerce in Shanghai, and provide assistance for foreigners in Shanghai in the prevention of the pneumonia caused by COVID-19.


III. Improving work and providing convenience. The EEAB has set outside a temporary waiting area in front of the office building in order to reduce the number of applicants waiting inside the building. For applicants with symptoms such as fever or coughing, the local disease control department will be contacted and assistance such as quarantine and medical service will be offered. The EEAB will endeavor to promote the use of the Self-Help Declaration System for Overseas Personnel’s Accommodation Registration, allowing foreigners to register without leaving home.


IV. Complying with relevant laws and regulations to protect foreigners’ rights. In light of the relevant laws and regulations and current situation, foreigners who have overstayed due to the reason of epidemic prevention and control shall be given a lighter or mitigated or be exempted from punishment by the EEAB depending upon circumstances. The EEAB will continue to provide convenience for foreign consulates by arranging consular visits via telephone, protecting the lawful rights of foreigners detained by the public security bureau during the period of prevention and control.


V. Organizing and coordinating in regard to disease control. For foreigners arriving for epidemic prevention and control and crew members transporting relevant facilities and equipment, convenience in the application of port visas will be provided. Service stations for Overseas People and Immigrants’ Integration Service Stations in Shanghai will help foreign residents in booking and purchasing items for epidemic prevention and control, depending upon relevant needs and demands.


VI. Mobilizing the community and conveying compassion and confidence. The EEAB will answer questions and respond to foreigners’ concerns by live network streaming on new media platforms. Social workers for foreigners and community volunteers will be organized to help those who are in need and show compassionate care. The EEAB will also make effective efforts to reassure foreigners and foreign employers in Shanghai and to convey confidence in winning the battle against the epidemic.


(看看新闻Knews记者:张帼霞 编辑:胡琰琦)
