2000字范文 > 历年四级作文题目 6月英语四级真题作文答案

历年四级作文题目 6月英语四级真题作文答案

时间:2023-12-06 20:39:05


历年四级作文题目 6月英语四级真题作文答案

#英语专四# #专四作文#

[心]自由发挥型的题目,在提出一个话题之后,要求考生对此话题提出自己的观点,题目对此不加任何限定。自由发挥型题目主要分三类。一类是“Theway"型。通常是要求考生就某一问题提出一个解决方案。不管题目要求的是One Way 还是 The Best Way.考生所提出的都应该是其所认为的最佳方案。另一类是“Myldea"型。题目的问法可能是My Idea,My View,My Opinion,My Attitude等,实际上要求考生写的都是个人的观点。还有一类是给定对象描述型题目直接给出一个对象要求根据提纲进行描述、说明。

黄金模板1(适合 The Best Way 型)

Nowadays, it is a heatedly discussed topic that 引出话题(转述问题.People have put forward various wayssuchas例1,例2,例 3etc.As for me,the best way to 主题词 is 论点.

The benefits for my ideas can be generalized to two major ones.First of all, 支持论点的理由 1.Suppose if 提出假想例子证明理由

1.Another benefit isthat支持论点的理由 2.引用名言或者谚语证明理由 2 .In conclusion, 总结.So 提出建议.

黄金模板2(适合 My ldea型)

This problem is a much debated one in that it affects almost everybody in their daily lives. As a college student,Ithink that 论点.

To begin with支持论点的理由 1.说明理由1.

Afurther reason whyI support this is that 支持论点的理由2.There is good evidence to show that 证明理由 2.

All in all, 重述主题.提出建议


Some people take it for granted that 反方论点But to be frank,I cannot agree with them. From my point of view, 论点.

Firstof all, 支持论点的理由1.证明理由1. Besides,支持论点的理由2.证明理由2.

From what has been discussed abovea conclusion can be drawn that 总结观点







For this part, you will write a short essay entitled "Communication Is the Key to Bridging the Generation Gap". You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 代沟存在的原因

2. 交流有利于弥合代沟

3. 交流的意义


Communication Is the Key to Bridging the Generation Gap

Different generations tend to have different states of mind as well as life experiences, and the rapid pace of current society makes this situation worse. As a result, there exists a generation gap between the old and the young. How to bridge the generation gap?

I believe that the solution to the generation gap is communication. First of all, young people have much to learn from the old generation. The old people have more life experience to share with the young generation. Currently, many young people are unwilling to listen to the counsel of the elderly because their suggestions are often viewed as old-fashioned. However, it is not appropriate for the young to do so since the old can offer them helpful suggestions on how to live a successful life. Secondly, old people have much to learn from the young generation. Young people are energetic and ambitious, so they know the modern world very well. They may not have the wisdom of years, but their knowledge and dynamics are no less important. The elderly need to learn from the young how to work with modern technology and they can understand young people by communicating with them.

If both the old and young generations are open to communication and are willing to listen to each other, we can get the best of both wisdom and harmony.


题目为“交流是弥合代沟的桥梁”,首先根据写作提纲的提示我们可以看出这是“提出问题—分析问题—解决问题”的题型。作者在第一段(introduction)陈述了问题所在,即代沟正随着社会的发展逐渐加深,既陈述了现象又指明了原因,同时也提出了问题;第二段(body)详细说明了解决问题的方法,总体来说是交流。接下来作者分了两个层次,一是年轻人向老年人学习,二是老年人要向年轻人学习,并且最关键的是作者在每个论点后面都有强有力的论据(supporting details),使文章层次清晰,更有说服力;第三段(conclusion)作者再次强调了交流的重要性。



291.A Report on the Project of Used Books Collecting 二手书收集项目报告

292.To Whom it May Concern, 致有关人员:

293.Target mainly junior and senior students 目标群体主要以大三、大四学生为主

294.Aimed at raising students’ awareness of recycling and helping them develop a habit of thrifty 为了提高学生们的循环利用意识并培养他们的节俭习惯

295.A barter in which....bring used... in exchange for.... they need. 以物易物

296.Donated to a remote rural school library 捐献到一所偏远农村学校的图书馆

297.Be given away to the students in need for free. 免费赠送给需要的学生们

298.And the number of the latter is still growing.后者的数量还在增加

299.Second-hand books 二手书 best-selling books 畅销书 dog-eared 翻旧了的 recycle 回收再利用

300.Schools in backward and impoverished areas 贫困落后地区的学校 receive great social benefits 收到良好的社会效益



考点1:谚语:Every cloud has a silver lining: 风雨过后便是彩虹。


考点2:感谢某人的多个表达:thank you; appreciate;many thanks;be grateful;express gratitude


As the saying goes,”The greater the difficulty, the greater the growth”:俗话说“困难越大,成长越多。”

the +比较级,the +比较级:越......,就越......

和女神一起学习是不是很香哇!关注我,带你解读更多的知识点,考试从此so easy!




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