2000字范文 > 使用SG_IO发送SCSI 指令测试底层驱动的scatter-gather 功能

使用SG_IO发送SCSI 指令测试底层驱动的scatter-gather 功能

时间:2019-08-11 08:15:44


使用SG_IO发送SCSI 指令测试底层驱动的scatter-gather 功能


Linux中的sg驱动 (“The Linux SCSI Generic (sg) Driver“ http://sg.danny.cz/sg/index.html) 是一个通用SCSI设备的模型,应用程序通过定义的“SG_IO ioctl ”可以像scsi磁盘等设备发送自定义的scsi指令集。 2.6版本的,这个ioctl 将在 block驱动层的 (http://lxr.linux.no/#linux+v2.6.32/block/scsi_ioctl.c 文件的

static intsg_io(structrequest_queue*q, structgendisk*bd_disk, structsg_io_hdr*hdr,fmode_tmode)

函数中得到处理,然后组成 request发送的底层的 scsi驱动。

使用的关键数据结构在 /include/scsi/sg.h 里面定义

83typedef struct sg_io_hdr84{85 int interface_id; /* [i] 'S' for SCSI generic (required) */86 int dxfer_direction; /* [i] data transfer direction */87 unsigned char cmd_len;/* [i] SCSI command length ( <= 16 bytes) */88 unsigned char mx_sb_len; /* [i] max length to write to sbp */89 unsigned short iovec_count; /* [i] 0 implies no scatter gather */90 unsigned int dxfer_len;/* [i] byte count of data transfer */91 void __user *dxferp; /* [i], [*io] points to data transfer memory92or scatter gather list */93 unsigned char __user *cmdp; /* [i], [*i] points to command to perform */94 void __user *sbp; /* [i], [*o] points to sense_buffer memory */95 unsigned int timeout; /* [i] MAX_UINT->no timeout (unit: millisec) */96 unsigned int flags; /* [i] 0 -> default, see SG_FLAG... */97 int pack_id;/* [i->o] unused internally (normally) */98 void __user * usr_ptr;/* [i->o] unused internally */99 unsigned char status; /* [o] scsi status */100 unsigned char masked_status;/* [o] shifted, masked scsi status */101 unsigned char msg_status; /* [o] messaging level data (optional) */102 unsigned char sb_len_wr; /* [o] byte count actually written to sbp */103 unsigned short host_status; /* [o] errors from host adapter */104 unsigned short driver_status;/* [o] errors from software driver */105 int resid; /* [o] dxfer_len - actual_transferred */106 unsigned int duration;/* [o] time taken by cmd (unit: millisec) */107 unsigned int info;/* [o] auxiliary information */108} sg_io_hdr_t; /* 64 bytes long (on i386) */

关于具体用法,可以在“The Linux SCSI Generic (sg) HOWTO /HOWTO/SCSI-Generic-HOWTO/index.html” 找到一些说明,“sg3_utils(http://sg.danny.cz/sg/sg3_utils.html)”的源码包里面的代码很不错的参考例 子,提供了各种scsi指令的封装代码,简单的scsi指令测试也可以直接诶使用sg3_utils里面的命令就可以了。 更多信息可以参考http://sg.danny.cz/sg/index.html 站点。

scatter-gather DMA

是一些磁盘或者网络硬件的扩展特性,可以让硬件设备在一次DMA映射里面访问不连续的多块内存,利用这个特性,可以直接让用户空间的地址直接映射DMA上 面去,减少传输过程中的数据复制量,提高系统西能。 “ Understanding the linux kernel ”一书的“block device” 一章的开头部分有介绍。

如果构建多段的 scatter-gatherscsi request,可以参考sg3_utils 中的example目录下的sg_iovec_tst 那个例子。我简单修改一下源代码,发送一个自定义的scatter-gather列表的read10 来读磁盘的scsi request到设备的代码。其中 单个request的扇区总数和 scatter-gather列表个数的限制和block驱动层数和scsi3层驱动的scsi_host等参数设置有关,scatter-gather 列表还可能依赖于硬件实现。

#include <unistd.h>

#include <signal.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <errno.h>

#include <sys/ioctl.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/stat.h>

#include "sg_lib.h"

#include "sg_io_linux.h"

/* Test code for D. Gilbert's extensions to the Linux OS SCSI generic ("sg")

device driver.

* Copyright (C) - D. Gilbert

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)

* any later version.

This program will read a certain number of blocks of a given block size

from a given sg device node and write what is retrieved out to a

normal file. The purpose is to test the sg_iovec mechanism within the

sg_io_hdr structure.

Version 0.12 (0121)


#define ME "sg_iovec_tst: "

#define A_PRIME 509

#define IOVEC_ELEMS 2048

#define SENSE_BUFF_LEN 32

#define DEF_TIMEOUT 40000 /* 40,000 milliseconds */

struct sg_iovec iovec[IOVEC_ELEMS];

/* Returns 0 if everything ok */

int sg_read(int sg_fd, unsigned char * buff, int num_blocks, int from_block,

int bs)


unsigned char rdCmd[10] = {READ_10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

unsigned char senseBuff[SENSE_BUFF_LEN];

struct sg_io_hdr io_hdr;

int dxfer_len = bs * num_blocks;

int k=0, pos =0, rem=0;

rdCmd[2] = (unsigned char)((from_block >> 24) & 0xff);

rdCmd[3] = (unsigned char)((from_block >> 16) & 0xff);

rdCmd[4] = (unsigned char)((from_block >> 8) & 0xff);

rdCmd[5] = (unsigned char)(from_block & 0xff);

rdCmd[7] = (unsigned char)((num_blocks >> 8) & 0xff);

rdCmd[8] = (unsigned char)(num_blocks & 0xff);


for (k = 0, pos = 0, rem = dxfer_len; k < IOVEC_ELEMS; ++k) {

iovec[k].iov_base = buff + pos;

iovec[k].iov_len = (rem > A_PRIME) ? A_PRIME : rem;

if (rem <= A_PRIME)


pos += A_PRIME;

rem -= A_PRIME;



//create 32 x 509 scatter-gather list , so remain ">128kb data" was split into the second request.

for (k = 0; k < 32; ++k) {

iovec[k].iov_base = buff + pos;

iovec[k].iov_len = 509;

pos += 512;


//put the remain into 2 scatter-gather list , so we don't exceed maxnium 64 segments.

rem = dxfer_len - (k+1) * 509 ;

iovec[k++].iov_base = buff + pos;

iovec[k++].iov_len = (rem /2) -3;

pos += rem /2 ;

iovec[k++].iov_base = buff + pos;

iovec[k++].iov_len = rem - (rem /2) + 3;

if (k >= IOVEC_ELEMS) {

fprintf(stderr, "Can't fit dxfer_len=%d bytes in iovec\n", dxfer_len);

return -1;


memset(&io_hdr, 0, sizeof(sg_io_hdr_t));

io_hdr.interface_id = 'S';

io_hdr.cmd_len = sizeof(rdCmd);

io_hdr.cmdp = rdCmd;

io_hdr.dxfer_direction = SG_DXFER_FROM_DEV;

io_hdr.dxfer_len = dxfer_len;

io_hdr.iovec_count = k + 1;

io_hdr.dxferp = iovec;

io_hdr.mx_sb_len = SENSE_BUFF_LEN;

io_hdr.sbp = senseBuff;

io_hdr.timeout = DEF_TIMEOUT;

io_hdr.pack_id = from_block;

if (ioctl(sg_fd, SG_IO, &io_hdr)) {

perror("reading (SG_IO) on sg device, error");

return -1;


switch (sg_err_category3(&io_hdr)) {




fprintf(stderr, "Recovered error while reading block=%d, num=%d\n",

from_block, num_blocks);



fprintf(stderr, "Unit attention\n");

return -1;


sg_chk_n_print3("reading", &io_hdr, 1);

return -1;


return 0;


int main(int argc, char * argv[])


int sg_fd, fd, res, j, m, dxfer_len;

unsigned int k, num;

int do_help = 0;

int blk_size = 512;

int count = 0;

char * sg_file_name = 0;

char * out_file_name = 0;

unsigned char * buffp;

for (j = 1; j < argc; ++j) {

if (0 == strncmp("-b=", argv[j], 3)) {

m = 3;

num = sscanf(argv[j] + m, "%d", &blk_size);

if ((1 != num) || (blk_size <= 0)) {

printf("Couldn't decode number after '-b' switch\n");

sg_file_name = 0;




else if (0 == strncmp("-c=", argv[j], 3)) {

m = 3;

num = sscanf(argv[j] + m, "%d", &count);

if (1 != num) {

printf("Couldn't decode number after '-c' switch\n");

sg_file_name = 0;




else if (0 == strcmp("-h", argv[j]))

do_help = 1;

else if (*argv[j] == '-') {

printf("Unrecognized switch: %s\n", argv[j]);

sg_file_name = 0;



else if (NULL == sg_file_name)

sg_file_name = argv[j];


out_file_name = argv[j];


if ((NULL == sg_file_name) || (NULL == out_file_name) || (0 == count)) {

printf("Usage: sg_iovec_tst [-h] [-b=num] -c=num <generic_device> "


printf(" where: -h this usage message\n");

printf(" -b=num block size (default 512 Bytes)\n");

printf(" -c=num count of blocks to transfer\n");

printf(" reads from <generic_device> and sends to <output_filename>\n");

return 1;


sg_fd = open(sg_file_name, O_RDONLY);

if (sg_fd < 0) {

perror(ME "sg device node open error");

return 1;


/* Don't worry, being very careful not to write to a none-sg file ... */

res = ioctl(sg_fd, SG_GET_VERSION_NUM, &k);

if ((res < 0) || (k < 30000)) {

printf(ME "not a sg device, or driver prior to 3.x\n");

return 1;


fd = open(out_file_name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666);

if (fd < 0) {

perror(ME "output file open error");

return 1;


count = 512 -1 ; //don't exceed 256kb IO

blk_size = 512;

dxfer_len = count * blk_size; //最终生成的request的大小

const int inter_space= 1024;

buffp = (unsigned char *)malloc(dxfer_len + inter_space);

if (buffp) {

if (0 == sg_read(sg_fd, buffp, count, 0, blk_size)) {

if (write(fd, buffp, dxfer_len) < 0)

perror(ME "output write failed");




res = close(fd);

if (res < 0) {

perror(ME "output file close error");


return 1;


res = close(sg_fd);

if (res < 0) {

perror(ME "sg device close error");

return 1;


return 0;

