2000字范文 > Global Shortage of Fresh Water2000字英语作文

Global Shortage of Fresh Water2000字英语作文

时间:2024-06-26 03:38:24


Global Shortage of Fresh Water2000字英语作文

Global Shortage of Fresh Water1. 人们以为淡水是取之不尽的(提示:雨水、河水、井水……)。2. 实际上淡水是非常紧缺的(提示:人口增加、工业用水增加、污染……)。3. 我们应该怎么办。It is widely believed that froth water will never be used up because we can get it from rain, rivers and wells. As a matter of fact, such belief is wrong and possibly dan gerous.Scientists have revealed that despite the fact that the 70% of the earth's surface is covereclwith water, a little part of it is fresh water. Ninety percent of fresh water is stored in the Antarctic zone and cannot be directly used.Fresh water is used to feed people and propel machines. With the increasing number of the population and factories, the amount of fresh water in use is also growing rapidly. It is estimated that if such growth is not controlled, the fresh water will be used up by the next century. Another dangerous factor is that the water pollution including industrial wastes and poisonous gases which eventually blacken rivers and form acid rains.We still have time if we act just now. We must tell all the othem the importance of fresh water and the danger we are facing. We can control the number of factories and the wastes they produce. We can also develop new ways to use our limited fresh water more economieally.全球淡水缺乏人们以为淡水是取之不尽的,因为我们可以从雨水、河水和井水中得到淡水。事实上,这种观点是错误的,很可能是危险的。科学家们已经指出尽管地球表面的70%是用水覆盖着,但是仅有一小部分是淡水。90%的淡水在南极,不能直接使用。淡水供人饮用,也用来推动机器。随着人口数量和工厂数量的增加,淡水的用量也在快速增长。据估计,如果这种增长不加控制,到下一世纪淡水将被用光。另一种危险是水的污染,包括工业废物和有毒气体,这些东西最终会使河流变黑并且形成酸雨。如果我们现在行动起来还为时不晚。我们应当告诉所有的人淡水的重要性,以及我们正在面临的危险。我们能够控制工厂的数目和工厂生产出的废物。我们能够想出新办法以便更经济的使用我们有限的淡水。
