2000字范文 > 【2024年】Look back with a smile2000字英语作文

【2024年】Look back with a smile2000字英语作文

时间:2024-06-09 06:55:25


【2024年】Look back with a smile2000字英语作文

He was extraordinary: “the distant shadow of a solitary sail, the blue sky, only see the Yangtze river skyline flow.” He has the courage to fight: “riding the wind and breaking the waves will sometimes, straight cloud sail Jicang sea.” He always squanders his inner feelings with his poems, but in fact he is lonely: “raise your glass and invite the moon to form three people.” Will also be sad: “cut off the water, water flow more, raise a glass to relieve worry, worry more.” But he can see life with a smile: “I am born of nature, and I will be useful. After all the gold is gone, it will come back.”These majestic poems made his immortal poems -- Li Bai, an ancient man with natural and unrestrained desire for immortality, left the best interpretation of smile to later generations. He laughs at everything in his life, so he dares to go to the end of the world alone with his sword. Life should be open-minded and optimistic, so as not to frown.

An old woman sighed all day because her eldest daughter married into a laundry and her youngest daughter into an umbrella shop. Every sunny day, the little girl‘s shop is very few, and every rainy day, the eldest daughter’s shop can‘t work. The old woman sighed all day. A person saw this and said to her, “how lucky you are. On a sunny day, the business of the eldest daughter’s house is booming, and on a rainy day, the wealth of the younger daughter‘s family is rolling. What else is there to worry about?” the old woman opened her eyebrows with a smile.

In fact, many worries do not exist. Optimism is like a flower in a poor mine field, giving hope and motivation. I used to have a great dream of going abroad. This dream has always encouraged me and given me energy. I try my best to memorize words and learn English. I hope to realize it one day. But my mother said that my family business was just starting, so I couldn’t have any spare money for me to go abroad. So whenever I see those who cross the ocean and return triumphantly, their noses are always sour. A hundred or two hundred thousand yuan is an unreachable figure for me. But my teacher told me, “don‘t worry, just run ahead if you have a dream. If you study English hard, everything will be better. Laugh at money. ” After listening to it, I was like a treasure. Yes, I laugh at money. If I have the ability, I’m not afraid to pick up money! So I study English harder now, English is 100 at the end of the term.

What is the charm of laughter? From ancient times to the present, how many heroes have competed for it, and how many poems have bloomed for it. No matter how big the storm is, smile and be fearless. Life should not be in joys and sorrows, laugh at life after everything. When you look back with a smile, you don‘t worry.
