2000字范文 > (收藏)发生在地震中最让我感动的友情故事2000字英语作文


时间:2024-05-07 16:18:39



A Moving Story When the Disaster occurred

请叙述一个地震发生时真室而感人的故事,并谈谈你的感想。 5月1日的四川大地震是全体中国人心中永远的痛, 我们要永远记住不幸罹难的同胞。此题是典型的记叙文,同学们一定听到了许多感人的事迹,因此内容不成问题。要以饱含深情的笔调把故事写好,感想则不宜抒发过多。

At 14: 28 on May 12, , the disastrous earthquake occurred. Suddenly thebuilding collapsed, when all the students were in class, including Xiao Xue, a is-year-old girl. She was hit on the head, and at once began to bleed. Greatlyfrightened, she felt as if everything was dead. Suddenly she heard her deskmateXiao Ya, also seriously injured, calling. In the darkness they were hand in hand,and they hugged to encourage each other.Two hours passed, and Xiao Ya wasgetting weaker and weaker. Her hands were getting loose,her voice fainter, andeventually she could no longer stand the pain and bleeding. Finally she stoppedmaking response to her best friend's whisper. Xiao Xue kept holding her friend inher arms under the debris, waiting for rescue. Night falling, at last the rescuers found them still embracing, but Xiao Ya hadleft her beloved forever. I'd never heard of more touching stories about friendship between classmatesbefore. Moved to tears, I wish both the girls would live happily in the differentworlds. Surely, those who enjoy true friendship must be happy.

【中文翻译】 5月12日14点28分,灾难性的地震发生了。大楼突然倒塌,当时所有的学生都在上课,包括15岁的女孩小雪。她被击中头部,鲜血立刻流了出来。她非常害怕,觉得那一瞬间好像一切都在死去。突然她听到同桌同学小雅在呼唤她,小雅也受伤了。在黑暗之中,她们手拉着手,搂抱在一起相互鼓励。两小时过去了,小雅变得越来越虚弱。她的手渐渐松了开来,声音也越来越微弱了。后来她再也忍受不了疼痛和出血。最要好的朋友在她耳边轻轻地呼唤,但她终于不再作出反应。小雪继续拥抱着她,在一片废墟中等待救援。黑夜降临了,救援人员终于发现了这两个仍然拥抱着的女孩,可是小雅永远离开了她深深地爱着的亲人。以前我从来没有听到过关于同学情谊的更加感人的故事。
