2000字范文 > 贵族之家英语读后感


时间:2021-11-16 05:25:23






These days finished watching the aristocratic family of turgenev, Ralph column, the feelings of the life is, unfortunately, a youth of distinguish between his feelings of authenticity, not to mention his youth way of education, on the opposite sex, he is still a child. HuaErHua la ba flores, na way of social skills, using her charm, her rhetoric, her talent for music and so on wrist makes one man threw themselves at her feet. The wet behind the ears, the opposite sex just interested in his unhappy become HuaErHua pull the first victim.

For Ralph columns, and lisa's feelings, in this paper, and no explicit detail their inner activities. Maybe because I think Ralph columns, like lisa lisa's quiet and dignified, treat feelings very seriously. This is two types and HuaErHua pull completely, HuaErHua's natural disposition is frivolous and guile, the word is "calm and cunning, cute and abominations" can be said to be the embodiment of angels and demons. But both of them goes against the moral emotions, goes against the social norms, it could develop "duty" has already been reality crushed. Like Ralph, himself said: "yes, the possibility of a lifetime of happiness, I have seen here, has almost caught the hands, but, suddenly, it is gone; with roulette wheels - as long as in slightly turned a bit, a poor man soon may become rich." What is destroyed the love between them? Lisa in the face of the sudden attack, think of is a sin, is deserved to be punished. This is a girl who is pure in heart, it has to do with her childhood education also, treat god she is a devout Christian, she doesn't want to hurt others would rather sacrifice themselves.

For the pursuit of happiness, everyone has a different experience, but I believe that everyone has their own helpless, sad. "Over the past eight years. The spring comes again: the sky is bright with light, the happiness of earth covered with a smile full of spring; under the caress of spring, everything began to blossom, love, and singing." Eight years later, much transformed, Ralph listed, seeing that he and lisa sitting on benches, memory is still clear, "filled with the wonderful feeling his soul and in a few different from sweet, also differs from the bitterness, but for deep grieve over the death of lost youth, for comfort to even once drunk to be happy." And lisa in a monastery for her sin, but I think maybe this is the best relief for her, no tears, no words, is still the heart communication. For the elderly, memory is the greatest pleasure, vicissitudes of life the tapestried years history, the feelings of the flutter should also fade away, but the life is so, experienced, pleasure, pain, finally be insipid life.




对于幸福的追求,每个人都有不同的经历,但我相信每个人都自己的无奈,伤心。“八年过去了。春天又来了:天上灿烂着光辉的幸福,人间满披着微笑的春光;在春光的爱抚之下,万象又开始开花,恋爱,而且歌唱了。”八年后,物是人非,拉夫列茨基看着那条他和丽莎坐过的长椅,记忆依然清晰,“那充溢了他的灵魂的奇妙的感觉几不同于甜蜜,也不同于辛酸,而是对于已逝的青春的深沉的伤悼,对于曾经沉醉过得幸福的淡远的怅惘。”而丽莎在修道院里进行着她的赎罪,但我想这也许对她是最好的解脱,没有眼泪,没有话语,依然是心的交流。 对于年迈者,回忆是最大的乐趣,历经沧桑撩开岁月的面纱,那段感情掀起的波澜应该也逐渐淡去,但是人生就是如此,经历了,愉悦了,痛苦了,生命最终归于平淡。

