2000字范文 > 【四级作文题目】这是我练习的一篇英语四级作文题目请朋友们帮我改正...


时间:2021-03-12 01:05:50




,请朋友们帮我改正错误,进行写作指点.Recreational Activities要求:1)娱乐活动多种多样 2)娱乐活动可以使人们受益 3)作为大学生,我认为...Nowdays,there exists>这是我练习的一篇英语四级作文


【答案】 Nowadays, there exists a wide range of recreational activities, which are prepared for people to choose from. And the opinions about choosing the recreational activities are varied.

Some people believe it is helpful to take part in recreational activities. They maintain such an idea because they can get happiness and relaxation from the activities. However, others hold that recreational activities may bring some problems, as they take drunk driving and flight into consideration.

For our university students, I think that recreational activities have more good aspects than harm ones .Firstly ,we can relax ourselves after a day’s working stress. Secondly ,it also give us a chance for friends to get gather .Last but not least, it can stimulate inspiration. In a word, recreational activities are necessary for everyone.

给你改了一些,有些语法错误改了,有些我用了些比较感觉比较好的表达,希望帮到你.在word 里加了红字的 这里看不出来
