2000字范文 > 【当幸福来敲门插曲】英语翻译《当幸福来敲门》是一部简单的励志电影.它...


时间:2024-04-10 18:52:14




英语翻译《当幸福来敲门》是一部简单的励志电影.它没有漂亮的演员、没有花哨的画面、也没有动人的配乐,但却同样可以吸引你安分的看下去,因为它有足够好的故事,平淡却不平庸!影片里有两个特别新奇的地方,虽然是故意设置的,但却一点都不唐突,不牵强,寓意深刻.其一:当克里斯(威尔史密斯扮演)看到墙上涂鸦中的“happyness”拼写错误时,他说了这句话:There is no y in happiness,There is i.(y即Why).这句台词的设置是极其巧妙的,它要表达的宗旨也贯穿了全片.是的,幸福中本就没有为什么,幸福中唯一有的只有自己.埋怨别人为什么比自己幸福是没有意义的,唯有依靠自己才能够得到幸福.其二:影片开始时,克里斯在人潮涌动大街上被人流推着前进,在一张张笑脸中唯有他一脸茫然,无助地伫立着.而在影片接近尾声时,克里斯却在同一个地方,一脸满足的留下了动情的眼泪,并为自己鼓掌振臂.在历经过苦难、悲伤、抛弃、落魄、无助、绝望之后,克里斯用忍耐、努力与永不言弃的人生态度换回了属于他的美好时光.所以在通过试用期的那一刻,克里斯是幸福的. 英语


【答案】 《The Pursuit of Happyness》 is a simple inspirational movie.There are no beautiful actors and moving music,but it can also attract you to imagine what will happen.Because it has a good enough story,flat but not mediocre.

First:When Chris see the Graffiti “happyness” on the wall,he said :There is no y in happiness,There is i (y is Why).This line setup is extremely clever,Ii also conveys aims throughout the entire film.Yes,there is no why in happiness,Only their own in happiness.Blaming others for happier than themselves is meaningless.Happy can only be obtained by their own.

Second:When the film began,Chris was pushed forward by crowds on the street.Only he flet lost in the smiling faces.But,towards the end of the film,Chris was in that place again with smiling tears on his face,and he applauded for himself.After the suffering,grief,abandonment,abjection,helplessness,despair,Chris got great time with patience,effort and never give up attitude of life.So the moment when he passed through the trial period,Chris was happy.

