2000字范文 > 童年 少年 青年英语读后感

童年 少年 青年英语读后感

时间:2019-08-30 05:35:36


童年 少年 青年英语读后感

童年 少年 青年英语读后感

导语:童年 少年 青年是一本著名的外国名著,他给我们讲诉了:托尔斯泰从童年时的经历写起,一直到大学一年级第一次大考失败结束,这段他人生成长中最为重要的十几年的点点滴滴,读来历历在目,如临其境。欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!

童年 少年 青年英语读后感:

We separately in the region of the foreign literature found a full ten minutes, finally the valley teacher help me to find it, and only this one, actually, inside pages also comes with a small number of black and white illustrations, Russian painter I feel very happy. Leo Tolstoy, the man in my impression is big literary giant, before writing, theme is heavy, the mere mention of his only thought of "Anna karenina", "resurrection" and so on books, suddenly feel great distance with me, plus the name of the russians and so hard to remember, will look very tired, so before his book is a book or see, his novel may be seen, but are weak impression...

But I have to read this autobiographical novel, now begin to see Tolstoy's works and feel sorry, I'm completely should be more early to enjoy the joy of the game of his vivid words! Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) is a 19th century Russia's greatest critical realist writer, he was born noble, its spectrum can be traced back to the 16th century, when ancestor from Peter I get knighted. Father participated in the great patriotic war of 1812, with retired lieutenant colonel ranks, mother is the daughter of the duke. But Tolstoy was two years old his mother, nine years old his father, he was raised is my aunt's, can say how much the experience contributed to his sensitive personality. For me, all the autobiographical novels by mapping out the author's real life experience and more attractive, the novel is so. Tolstoy since childhood experiences to write, till the end of freshman year failed the final exam for the first time, this period of his life growing up of the most important years of dribs and drabs, to read, vivid. Let me feeling that life has a lot of the subtle emotion and the most subtle atmosphere, but hardly to put into the precise language to describe, will gradually disappear in the memory. But Tolstoy at the age of 28, recall the past, but can still with an accurate depiction of language in the past the drip of the fleeting memories.

It is worth mentioning that in reading the book in the process of I also cry twice. In to see his childhood in the book he thinks he fell in love with Song Ni chica that, very vivid. When he saw a basement to secretly want to, if we can in the basement for life and not be known. Song Ni chica returning home, he couldn't sleep, in the quilt covered her head, as if can see Song Ni chica face, still can talk to her, touching his crying. How pure love, if not from the heart, strong love a person, how can have these thoughts and actions, and a person's life can have several times so pure love? Another time is he and brother Flo jia stroppy, he broke the brother's collection, pushed his brother angry, you just talk to each other. His heart is very uncomfortable, but refused to apologise, awkward for a day, at night, from class asked, active said to him, his brother, you don't angry, if I do wrong, I apologize to you. He finally relieved, holding his brother's hand, admitted his mistake, shed tears.

One of his inner struggle, very appropriate, reminds me MouRan had told sister stroppy, with their closest to the cold war, fighting, is really very sad experience, the kind of feel angry and injustice, believe no brothers and sisters who are hard to understand. Read the book, I seem to space-time permutation and ran to the more than 150 years ago, in 150, see a even said to him, your mother will not love someone because you face your boy, shy, sensitive, love fantasy, a growing lack of confidence, his laughter, with brothers and sisters when mom touch when meet, fall in love with a person's fantasy, to tutor a child sincere hatred, to lost of people miss, is sensitive to become an adult, the desire for understanding the capture again appear in my mind, I can't help to Tolstoy strong curiosity, this man's life and must be read from his other works. Perhaps this is another meaning to study, with a few days, see a stranger more than ten years of life, with him and hi thoughts and his more than ten years as if I myself have witnessed the growth of the same. In a sense, Tolstoy also taught me to grow.


我们分头在外国文学区域找了足有十分钟,最后终于被谷老师帮我找到了,竟然也只有这一本,内页还附有俄罗斯画家数量不多的黑白插图,我感到非常高兴。 列夫·托尔斯泰这个人,以前在我印象当中就是大文豪,文笔深刻,题材沉重,一提起他就只想到《安娜·卡列尼娜》、《复活》等等大部头的书,顿时就觉得跟我很有距离,再加上俄罗斯人的名字又那么难记,看起来会很累,所以之前他的书是一本也没看过,他小说改编的电影或许看过,但都印象淡薄了……

但读完这部自传体小说,我不得不对现在才开始看托尔斯泰的作品而感到惋惜,我完全应该更早就去享受他生动的文字带来的`乐趣啊! 列夫·托尔斯泰(1828-1910)是19世纪俄国最伟大的批判现实主义作家,他出身名门贵族,其谱系可以追溯到16世纪,远祖从彼得一世时获得封爵。父亲参加过18卫国战争,以中校衔退役,母亲是公爵的女儿。但托尔斯泰两岁丧母,九岁丧父,是姑妈把他抚养长大的,可以说这样的经历多少造就了他敏感的性格。对我来说,所有自传体的小说都由于映射出作者真实的生活经历而更具吸引力,这部小说正是如此。托尔斯泰从童年时的经历写起,一直到大学一年级第一次大考失败结束,这段他人生成长中最为重要的十几年的点点滴滴,读来历历在目,如临其境。 让我感慨的是,生活中有很多最细微的情感和最微妙的氛围,但几乎难以付诸精确的语言来描绘,就渐渐消失在记忆中。而托尔斯泰在28岁回忆往事时,却依然能以无比精准的语言描绘往日稍纵即逝的点滴回忆。


其中他内心挣扎的描写,非常贴切,让我牟然想起曾经跟妹妹闹别扭的情景,与自己最亲近的人冷战、较劲,真是非常让人难过的经历,那种又生气又委屈的感觉,相信没有兄弟姐妹的人很难体会。 看过全书,我仿佛时空置换,跑到150多年前的1856年,看到一个连自己妈妈都对他说,不会有人因为你的脸而爱你的男孩,羞涩、敏感、爱空想、缺乏自信的成长着,他跟兄弟姐妹们游戏时的欢笑、被妈妈抚摸时的满足、爱上一个人时的幻想、对家庭教师孩童式的真挚仇恨、对逝去的人的怀念、对变成大人的渴望、对理解力的敏感捕捉再次呈现在我的脑海,让我不禁对托尔斯泰这个人的一生产生强烈好奇,并萌生出一定要阅读他其他作品的愿望。 这也许是读书的另一个意义所在,用几天的时间,窥探了一个陌生人十几年的生活,跟他同喜同悲,他十几年的成长仿佛我自己也亲历了一样。某种意义上来说,托尔斯泰也教会了我成长的道理。

【童年 少年 青年英语读后感】
