2000字范文 > 【小学英语课堂用语】小学英语老师课堂常用语


时间:2022-11-06 01:39:56




小学英语老师课堂常用语 英语


【答案】 Class begin上课

Good morning/afternoon,class早上好/下午好,同学们

Listen to me carefully认真听我说

Read after me跟我读

Pay attention to your pronounciation.注意你的发音

Look at the blackboard.看黑板

Open your books and turn to page...打开书,翻到第…页

Take your exercise book.拿出练习册

After class, please read and recite the passage.课后请大家背诵这篇课文

Class is over.下课

Have a rest.休息

还有一点62Don speak out.七.请求(Requests)63Could you please try it again?64Could you please try the next one?65Will you please help me?八.鼓励(Encouraging)66Can you try, please?67Try, please.68Please try your best. / Do your best.69 Think it over and try again.70Don be afraid / shy.九.指令(Issuing a command)71Say / Read after me, please.72Follow me, please.73Do what I do.74Repeat, please./ Repeat after me.75Once more, please./ One more time, please.76Come here, please.77Please come to the front./ Come up and write on the blackboard / chalkboard.78Come and write it on the blackboard.79Please go back to your seat.80Put up your hands, please./ Raise your hands, please.81Put down your hands, please./ Hands down, please.82Say it / Write it in Chinese / English.83In English, please.84Please take out your books.85Please open your books at page ... / Find page ... / Turn to page ...86Close / Shut your books, please.87Please answer the (my)question(s).88Please read this letter / word / sentence out loud. / Please read out this letter / word / sentence.89Please stop now./ Stop now, please./ Stop here, please.90Clean up your desk / the classroom, please.91Its clean-up time./ Tidy up your desk / the classroom.92 Put your things away./ Clean off your desk./ Pick up the scraps.93Clean the blackboard.94Plug in the tape-recorder, please.95Put the tape-recorder away.96Put the tape in its box / cassette.97Listen and repeat.98Look and listen.99Repeat after me.100Follow the words.101Fast./ Quickly! / Be quick, please.102Hurry! / Hurry up, please.103Slow down, please.104Slowly.105Bring me some chalk, please.十.禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning)103Stop talking./ Stop talking now, please.104Don talk./ Everybody quiet, please.105Don be silly.106Settle down.十一.评价(uating)107Good.Thank you.108 Good! / Very good! / Good job. / Good work. / Good example.109A good answer. / Nice work.110Excellent! / Great! / Well done / very good. / I like the way you...111Thats interesting!112Don worry about it. / No problem.113OK! / Thats OK.114I don think so.115 Thats not quite right, any other answers? / Thats close./ Thats almost right.116Not quite, anyone help him / her? / Try again.117A good try.十二.布置作业(Setting homework)118For todays homework.119Practise after class./ Practise at home.120Say it out loud, before you write it down.121Copy / Print / Write each word twice.122Remember / Memorize these words / sentences.123Do your homework./ Do the next lesson./ Do the new work.十三.下课(Dismissing the class)124Hand in your workbooks, please.125Time is up.126The bell is ringing.127Theres the bell.128There goes the bell.129Lets stop here.130Thats all for today131Class is over.132Goodbye. / Bye./ See you./ See you next class / time / tomorrow.
