2000字范文 > 【日本文化论文】求一份关于日本文化的英文论文英语的论文.一定要写的是日本的东西...


时间:2024-07-13 00:58:09




求一份关于日本文化的英文论文英语的论文.一定要写的是日本的东西.日本的茶道,花道,相扑题材任意. 英语


【答案】 这里面有日本文化的概述和有关花道,相扑的内容.

Ukiyo-e, literally pictures of the floating world, is a genre of woodblock prints that exemplifies the characteristics of pre-Meiji Japanese art. Because these prints could be mass-produced, they were available to a wide cross-section of the Japanese populace — those not wealthy enough to afford original paintings — during their heyday, from the 17th to 20th century.

In the long feudal period governed by the samurai class, some methods that were used to train warriors were developed into well-ordered martial arts, referred to collectively as Koryū. Examples include Kenjutsu, Kyūdō, Sōjutsu, Jujutsu and Sumo, all of which were established in the Edo period. After the rapid social change in the Meiji Restoration, some martial arts changed to modern sports, Gendai Budō. Judo was developed by Kano Jigoro, who studied some sects of Jujutsu. These sports are still widely practiced in present day Japan and other countries.
