2000字范文 > Can you imagine surfing the Internet without lifting your finger? Do you want to know what

Can you imagine surfing the Internet without lifting your finger? Do you want to know what

时间:2019-04-28 12:09:27


Can you imagine surfing the Internet without lifting your finger? Do you want to know what


Can you imagine surfing the Internet without lifting your finger? Do you want to know what it feels like to fly like a bird? Let’s have a look at some of the “Best inventions of the Year ”.

Wing Suits

The suit can make your dream of flying like a bird come true. Well, not exactly flying, but gliding(滑翔)through the air. Fliers wearing wing suits can glide one kilometer in about 30 seconds. But they need a parachute(降落伞)to make a safe landing because the suit does not allow you to slow down.

Talk Gloves

Do you often feel confused(困惑的)by the sign language used by disabled people? Here is the “helping hand” you need. Four students in Ukrainian college have invented a pair of gloves that helps people who has hearing and speech problems to communicate with others. The gloves are set with sensors(传感器)that receive sign language and translate it into text on a smart phone. Then the smart phone changes the text to spoken.

Google Glasses

In short, Google Glasses are like a computer which is built into a pair of glasses. The glasses allow you to surf the Internet and make phone calls without even lifting a finger. All you have to do is to let your head move the mouse on the screen. The glasses also have a camera and GPS mapping system. Users can take and share photos, video-chat, check maps and surf the Internet just by looking up, down, left and right. But now they are on sale only in two countries, German and America.

【小题1】Through the Talk Gloves, the sign words are translated for. 【小题2】How can users of Google Glasses surf the Internet?【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?【小题4】What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this article?

A. To draw people’s attention to the Year .

B. To bring some pleasure to readers.

C. To introduce some interesting inventions.

D. To ask people to buy these products.


A. To draw people’s attention to the Year .

B. To bring some pleasure to readers.

C. To introduce some interesting inventions.

D. To ask people to buy these products.


【小题1】细节理解题。根据Four students in Ukrainian college have invented a pair of gloves that helps people who has hearing and speech problems to communicate with others. 描述,可知这些手势语是为残疾人翻译的。故选B。

【小题2】推理判断题。根据Users can take and share photos, video-chat, check maps and surf the Internet just by looking up, down, left and right.描述,可知谷歌眼睛的使用者可以通过眼球的移动来上网。故选D。

【小题3】细节理解题。根据But they need a parachute(降落伞)to make a safe landing because the suit does not allow you to slow down.描述,可知人们飞行除了需要一双翼服之外,还需要一顶降落伞。故选B。

