2000字范文 > Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A. My fa

Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A. My fa

时间:2020-06-23 21:07:22


Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A. My fa


Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A. My father asked me to drive slowly.

B. I walked for miles without seeing a house.

C. Study as if you were to live forever.

D. I used to hide myself when I was young.


A. My father asked me to drive slowly.

B. I walked for miles without seeing a house.

(答案→)C. Study as if you were to live forever.

D. I used to hide myself when I was young.

解析:句意:下面句子中哪一个划线部分的发音跟别的不一样。A选项意为:我父亲让我慢点开车。drive中的字母i发音是/ai/;B选项意为:我走了好几英里的路,也没看到一座房子。miles 这个单词中i 的发音是/ai/;C选项意为:学习就好像你会永久的活着。live 中字母i 的发音是/i/;D选项意为:小时候我经常把自己藏起来。hide 中i 发音是/ai/,故A、B、D三个选项的发音是一样的。故选C。
