2000字范文 > Some people do not like anything to be out of place they are never late for work they ca

Some people do not like anything to be out of place they are never late for work they ca

时间:2023-03-24 12:05:12


Some people do not like anything to be out of place  they are never late for work  they ca


Some people do not like anything to be out of place, they are never late for work, they can remember people’s birthdays; and they are always 31 to their friends and family members. Mr. Brown is such a person.

Mr. Brown works in a 32, and he lives in the town alone . He only has a sister. She lives in 33town with her husband and her son, Mike. Mr. Brown doesn’t have time to see his sister or her family, from one year to the 34, but he never forgets 35them different kinds of greeting cards. These days, he is busy 36a birthday card and presents for the 20th birthday of his nephew, Mike.

Last Sunday, Mr. Brown had quite a surprise. He drove home from the hotel at the usual time, and he drove his car very 37 , not too slowly or too fast. When he got home, he parked his car as usual in the right place, and then he went into the house to make supper. Suddenly, there was a 38 the door. Mr. Brown opened the door and found a policeman standing outside the door.

“What’s wrong?” he asked 39. ‘Did I drive on the wrong side of the street? Or did I make a mistake at work?’

“Hello, Uncle,” said the policeman with a big 40on his face, “My name is Mike”.

【小题1】A.rudeB.ungratefulC.kindD.unkind【小题2】A.hotelB.schoolC.police stationD.bank【小题3】A.the sameB.a busyC.an oldD.another【小题4】A.secondB.nextC.anotherD.last【小题5】A.to getB.to keepC.to sendD.to borrow【小题6】A.collectingB.gettingC.choosingD.writing【小题7】A.slowlyB.fastC.carefullyD.carelessly【小题8】A.knock offB.knock overC.knock intoD.knock at【小题9】A.someoneB.himselfC.no oneD.none【小题10】A.angerB.cryC.sadnessD.smileC



解析:【小题1】根据文章首句“Some people do not like anything to be out of place, they are never late for work, they can remember people’s birthdays”和后文知,Mr. Brown就是这样的一个循规蹈距之人,对人友好之人。

【小题2】根据第三段第二句“He drove home from the hotel at the usual time”知,He works in a hotel.


【小题4】根据后文知,一年又一年,Mr. Brown从没有去拜访过他的姐姐。



【小题7】根据后一句说他开车“not too slowly or too fast”,当然是 carefully。

【小题8】knock at the door敲门。


