2000字范文 > Condoleezza Rice is used to standing out. It is not only because she holds the position as

Condoleezza Rice is used to standing out. It is not only because she holds the position as

时间:2023-01-15 20:43:37


Condoleezza Rice is used to standing out. It is not only because she holds the position as


Condoleezza Rice is used to standing out. It is not only because she holds the position as U.S. Secretary of State. Her youth, gender and skin color have36a lot of attention throughout her political career.

Condoleezza Rice,37as Condi to her close friends, was born in 1954 in Birmingham. During 1950s,blacks were not treated as38citizens in the south. Although slavery was39 in 1865,the southern states passed their own laws to continue the40of blacks and whites. Despite the discrimination41black people, her parents told her she could become 42she wanted. They taught her to believe that great things were43for her.

Rice was a gifted student with a44for the piano and she entered college at the age of 15 with the45of becoming a concert pianist. Along the way she was46by political scientist Josef Korbel, the father of former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.Rice47 her plans and studied international politics, and in the 1980s she was teaching at Stanford University,48her career developed quickly. She49on George H. Bushs national security council(顾问) in 1989.Later she50to Stanford, and became its youngest, first female and first51provost after two years.

In 2001,Rice re-entered the political world,52George W. Bushs national security advisor. She has drawn international53in this position, and has been the most powerful national security advisors in American54.

She held this position until ,when55Secretary of State.

36.A. directed B. turned C. paid D. attracted

37.A. known B. Considered C. Seen D. accepted

38.A. respectful B. equal C. different D. noble

39.A. finished B. Stopped C. Prevented D. ended

40.A. difference B. disagreement C. separation D. division

41.A. against B. to C. with D. towards

42.A. whoever B. whomever C. whatever D. whichever

43.A. desiring B. waiting C. preparing D. longing

44.A. talent B. interest C. hobby D. favourite

45.A. purpose B. goal C. intention D. attention

46.A. effected B. affected C. impressed D. influenced

47.A. changed B. postponed C. cancelled D. exchanged

48.A. which B. where C. when D. that

49.A. acted B. waited C. served D. called

50.A. paid a visit B. showed concern C. attended D. returned

51.A. black B. white C. capable D. efficient

52.A. turning B. holding C. becoming D. taking

53.A. praise B. approval C. criticism D. attention

54.A. politics B. history C. culture D. government

55.A. elected B. invited C. appointed D. succeeded36-40 DABDC 41-45 ACBAC 46-50 DABCD 51-55 ACDBC


(答案→)36-40 DABDC 41-45 ACBAC 46-50 DABCD 51-55 ACDBC

解析:36. Dattract a lot of attention“引起了人们的许多关注”;direct/turn ones attention to“把注意力转向……”;pay ones attention to“对……注意”。此空说明美国第一任黑人国务卿康多莉扎·赖斯的肤色等是世人关注的焦点。

37.Aknown as Condi to her close friends“朋友们知道她名叫Condi”,其他动词虽然可与as连用,但是词义不合语境。





42.Cwhatever she wanted为宾语从句。本句意为“她的父母告诉她长大愿意当什么都可以”。

43.Bwait for“等待”。她的父母使她相信“天将降大任于斯人”,wait for somebody/something to do...为固定句型,意为“等待某人做某事;等待某事的发生”。

44.Ahave a talent for“在……有天赋”;have/show interest in“对……有兴趣”。此空是说赖斯的音乐天赋极佳。


46.Dwas influenced by“受到……的影响”,强调由于受到某种潜移默化的影响,而引起一些变化。

47.Achanged her plans“改变了计划/想法”。

48.Bwhere引导定语从句,对前面的专有名词Stanford University 进行补充说明:正是在Stanford University,康多莉扎·赖斯的政治生涯快速发展。

49.Cserve on“担任”;act on“对……起作用”;call on“号召,呼吁,邀请,访问,指派”;wait on“招待,拜访”。此处指赖斯担任乔治·布什总统的国家安全事务顾问。

50.D这几个词组和单词都可以和to搭配:return to“返回”;pay a visit to “拜访”;concern to“担心,担忧”;attend to “专心,照顾”。根据上下文可知,她后来重返Stanford University,还升迁到教务长之职。


52.Cbecome“成为,担任”,becoming 为现在分词作状语,表示结果。

53.Dattention“关注”。词组draw attention to“引起注意”。

54.Bin history为固定词组,意为“历史上;有史以来”。赖斯是美国历史上的权力最大的国家安全事务顾问。

55.Cappoint“任命”,非限制性定语从句when(she was) appointed Secretary of State中省略了主语和助动词,“她担任国家安全事务顾问,一直到她被总统任命为美国的国务卿”。
