2000字范文 > In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon(

In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon(

时间:2021-05-02 17:46:36


In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon(


In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon(蜡笔) when all that was left was the ugly black one.

In primary school your 1 of a good friend was the person who went to the bathroom with you; 2 your hand as you walked through the scary(可怕的) halls; 3 their lunch with you when you left 4 on the bus; saved a 5 on the back of the bus for you; knew 6 you had a crush on(迷恋) and never understood why. In 7 school your idea of a good friend was the person who let you 8 their social studies homework; went to that “cool” party with you 9 you wouldn’t wind up(结束) being the only fresher there; did not let you lunch 10.

In pre-university your idea of a good friend was the person who gave you11 in their new car; comforted you when you broke up with Nick or Susan: found you a(n) 12 to the prom(舞会) or went to the prom with you(both without dates); helped you pick a university and assured you that you would get into that 13; helped you deal with your parents who were having a 14 time letting you go.

On the threshold(开始) of 15 your idea of a good friend was the person who was there 16 you just couldn’t deal with your parents; assured you that now you and Nick or you and Susan were 17 together, you could make it through anything; just silently hugged you as you 18 through blurry(模糊的) eyes at 18 years of memories; and reassured you that you would 19 it in university as well as you had these past 18 years; and most importantly 20 you off to university knowing you were loved.

1. A. idea B. thought C. mind D. sight

2. A. placed B. shook C. held D. waved

3. A. cooked B. seized C. shared D. bought

4. A. ours B. hers C. his D. yours

5. A. ticket B. seat C. chair D. stand

6. A. what B. that C. who D. why

7. A. primary B. secondary C. college D. pre-university

8. A. do B. see C. check D. copy

9. A. and B. so C. as D. but

10. A. together B. far C. lonely D. alone

11. A. seat B. time C. money D. rides

12. A. car B. excuse C. friend D. date

13. A. school B. prom C. club D. university

14. A. good B. wonderful C. hard D. modern

15. A. boy B. baby C. child D. adulthood

16. A. where B. when C. how D. why

17. A. back B. happy C. up D. over

18. A. looked B. went C. came D. passed

19. A. have B. get C. make D. take

20. A. put B. got C. took D. sent 1-5ACCDB CBDBD 11-15DDDCD 16-20BAACD


(答案→)1-5ACCDB CBDBD 11-15DDDCD 16-20BAACD


本文主要从以下几个时期介绍了“朋友”的概念:在幼儿园时给你一支红蜡笔的人就是好朋友;在小学陪你去洗澡等的人也是好朋友;在中等学校(secondary school)与你一起去参加晚会的人也是好朋友;上大学前帮助你挑选并进入大学的人也是你的好友……

1. A 结合全文可看出,此处说的是“在小学时”你对好朋友的概念或看法,即 your idea of a good friend。

2. C 从 as you walked through the scary(可怕的) halls(当你走过可怕的大厅时)可推测此处应填 held,也就是说“攥紧你的手”(让你不要害怕)。

3. C 结合下文“……当你把午饭忘在公交车上时”可知该题选择shared,即“与你一起分享他们的午餐”。

4. D “leave… + 地点状语”表示“把……忘在……”此句意为“当你把你的午饭忘在了公交车上时”。yours 在此指的是 your lunch。

5. B 从 on the back of the bus for you 来看,此处说的是“为你在车后部给你占座位”,故用 seat。

6. C 此处选 who,它引导的是一个宾语从句(不是定语从句),该句意思为:知道你迷恋谁,但从没有理解为什么。

7. B 前面提到了幼儿园、小学,后面又提到了 pre-university(上大学前),而 college(大学)又在 pre-university 之后,故选择 secondary。secondary school 意为“中学”。

8. D 从搭配上看,此处应用 copy。check one’s homework 意为“检查作业”,而 copy one’s homework 意为“抄作业”。从孩提时对朋友的看法来看用 copy 更合乎这一时期的学生心理。

9. B 根据“和你一块去参加很‘酷’的晚会”和“你不会以新手而结束”可知,前句为原因,后句为结果,也就是说前后为因果关系,故选择so。

10. D 此句指“他们不让你独自吃午餐”。“独自”是指客观上的一个人,故选alone。

11. D 从后面 in their new car 来看,rides 为最佳答案,即“让你搭乘他们的新车”。

12. D 前面说:你和 Nick 或 Susan 分手,再结合后面括号中的(both without dates),可知此处选择 date,意为“找个日期去舞会或与你一块去舞会来安慰你”。

13. D 前面说“帮你选择大学”,可推测下句为“让你有信心进入这所大学”,故用 university。

14. C 在此,deal with 应理解为“关照”。主句意为“帮助你照看你父母”,可推知你走后父母的日子相对来说比较艰辛,故用 hard。

15. D 写到这里应该是成年人时期了,故用 adulthood。

16. B 此处选择 when,它引导一个时间状语从句。该句意思为:当你不能在家照顾父母时好朋友却在那里(照顾你父母)。

17. A 在第 2 段中曾提到“你和 Nick 或 Susan”分手,这里是说“你和 Nick 或 Susan又言归于好(be back together)”。

18. A 此处说的是与以前的 Nick 或 Susan 恢复了关系,再结合下文at 18 years of memories 可知此处应选 looked,look at 为“看到”,即 looked through blurry eyes at 18 years of memories(透过模糊的双眼看到了 18 年来的思念或记忆)。

19. C 在这里是说“让你相信就像这 18 年(获得爱情)一样你一定能成功”。make it 为短语,意为“成功地做到;达到目的”。

20. D 从上下文来看,此处说的是“最重要的是送你上大学并让你懂得有人爱你”。send off 为“为……送行”,send sb off to 意为“送……去……”。
