2000字范文 > Last summer Tom and his friends George and Bill wanted to take a vacation but they did n

Last summer Tom and his friends George and Bill wanted to take a vacation but they did n

时间:2019-06-22 07:55:33


Last summer Tom and his friends George and Bill wanted to take a vacation  but they did n


Last summer Tom and his friends George and Bill wanted to take a vacation, but they did not have much. They decided that a short mountain climbing expedition(探险) was the only they could afford (负担得起). Since each of them liked climbing, the vacation would be a lot of .

Tomall the plans. He decided that they shouldthe expenses(费用) for food and gas and that each one should bring some _ clothes because the weather there was usually cold.

The boys were in a hurry, so they climbed slowly the day. The weather was pleasant, and they enjoyed the fresh as they climbed up a narrow path. Tom expected the to stay nice, late in the afternoon there was a heavy rain. The boys rushed toward a and decided to camp there that.

When the sun rose the next morning, they continued. As the boys went higher, the climbing became dangerous, and by that afternoon the trip appeared .

When they finally reached the of the mountain, they saw a beautiful sight. The of the sunset were yellow, red, and gold. The boys were very happy and they enjoyed the view. The farms and fields of wheat and corn appeared very small. In the distance, they could see trees, hills and valleys. They spent four more days in the mountains. They really had great fun.




解析:文章讲述了Tom,George和 Bill决定爬山旅游,因为这是他们能负担得起的,他们分担了费用,享受旅行的乐趣,也有克服困难,最终到达山顶,欣赏了美丽的景色。

【小题1】考查名词:A. work工作,B. time时间,C. money钱,D. fun快乐,后文他们提出分摊费用,而且只是想进行爬山这样的旅行,可知钱不是很多。 选C

【小题2】考查名词:A. vacation假期,B. sport运动,C. game游戏,D. trip旅行,他们决定短途爬山是他们唯一负担得起的旅行,选D

【小题3】考查名词: A. fun好玩的事情,B. happiness快乐,C. trouble麻烦,D. difficulties困难,从前面的Since each of them liked climbing,可知他们认为爬山会有很多好玩的事情,选A

【小题4】考查动词:A. took拿,B. made制作,C. had有,D. kept保持,make a plan制定计划,选B

【小题5】考查动词:A. need需要,B. share分享,分担,C. make制作,D. provide提供,他决定他们要分担食物和汽油的费用,选B

【小题6】考查副词:A. surely当然,B. fully充分,C. equally平等,D. freely自由,应该是平等地分配,选C

【小题7】考查形容词:A. extra额外的,B. few很少,C. less很少,D. thin瘦,薄,山上温度低,所以要多带些衣服。选A

【小题8】考查副词:A. always总是,B. nearly几乎,C. not不,D. ever曾经,从后面的句子:so they climbed slowly可知他们不忙,选C

【小题9】考查形容词: A. fine好的,B. rainy有雨,C. all所有D. first首先,第一天他们爬得很慢,选D

【小题10】考查名词:A. sky天空,B. air空气,C. weather 天气,D. water水,享受新鲜空气。选B

【小题11】考查名词:A. weather天气,B. air空气,C. trip旅行,D. path路,他们期望天气不错。选A

【小题12】考查连词:A. and并且,B. for因为,C. so因此,D. but但是,从后面的there was a heavy rain.可知是转折关系,选D

【小题13】考查名词:A. top顶部,B. tent帐篷,C. cave山洞,D. river河流,因为下雨,他们跑到山洞里面,选C

【小题14】考查名词:A. day天,B. night晚上,C. time时间,D. way路,他们想在山洞里面过夜,选B

【小题15】考查动词:A. sleeping睡觉,B. camping露营,C. climbing爬山,D. watching观看,第二天天气好转了,他们接着爬山。选C

【小题16】考查形容词:A. less更少,B. more更多,C. very非常,D. little很少,从As the boys went higher,可知爬得越高越危险,选B

【小题17】考查形容词:A. easy容易,B. tired累的,C. excited兴奋的,D. endless无止境的,他们觉得旅途是无止境的,选D

【小题18】考查名词:A. foot脚,B. side边,C. middle中间,D. top顶,到达“山顶”,看到美景。选D

【小题19】考查名词:A. scene场景,B. view观点,C. colors颜色,D. beauty美丽,从后面的yellow, red, and gold可知指的是落日的颜色,选C

【小题20】考查副词:A. below下面,B. far远,C. aside一边,D. ahead前面,因为他们爬到山顶了,所以The farms and fields of wheat and corn都是在下面,选A
