2000字范文 > It was Valentine's Day my freshman year of college. I was so young the romantic type. Al

It was Valentine's Day my freshman year of college. I was so young the romantic type. Al

时间:2023-07-14 11:32:14


It was Valentine's Day  my freshman year of college. I was so young  the romantic type. Al


It was Valentines Day, my freshman year of college. I was so young, the romantic type. All I wanted was a rose. A single rose to 36 up my Valentines Day.

Valentines Day at school was over,and I had no rose to 37 in my locker like I had hoped. I came home a little 38. I sat in my room dreaming about next years romantic Valentines Day 39 the doorbell rang. There at the front door was a deliveryman 40 one single rose to my house. Surely this rose wasn for me. I didn have such 41. I closed the front door with a single rose in my hand and gave it to my mother. “42 the card!” she insisted when I told her it must be for her. I unsealed the envelope as my hands were 43. I slowly lifted the card and read what it said:

To Amanda

From someone who cares

I must have read it twenty times in a matter of seconds, 44 my eyes weren playing tricks on me. But they weren . The rose was for me. I must have been 45 for about five minutes, until I started 46 the obvious people and 47 them of sending me a rose and playing a joke on my 48 romantic heart. No one knew who sent it to me. My friends, family and relatives were as 49 to hear I got a rose from a 50 someone as much as I was. I was on cloud nine(兴奋) for weeks.

I 51 did figure out who was it who sent me that rose. 52 I did figure something else out. It didn 53 if it was a guy who secretly 54 me who sent me that rose. What mattered was that it was from someone who 55 about me and wanted to brighten up my day.

【小题1】A.brightenB.fillC.takeD.decorate【小题2】A.hide B.hangC.plantD.stick【小题3】A.madB.hungryC.angryD.sad【小题4】A.beforeB.untilC.whenD.once【小题5】A.postingB.carryingC.holdingD.delivering【小题6】A.chanceB.luckC.valueD.confidence【小题7】A.OpenB.ReadC.CheckD.Break【小题8】A.closingB.movingC.shakingD.spreading【小题9】A.praying B.expectingC.doubtingD.believing【小题10】A.sorryB.curiousC.happyD.nervous【小题11】A.realizingB.callingC.visitingD.questioning【小题12】A.informingB.remindingC.accusingD.telling【小题13】A.speciallyB.actuallyC.obviouslyD.hopelessly【小题14】A.surprisedB.excitedC.amusedD.disappointed【小题15】A.considerateB.distantC.secretD.generous【小题16】A.anyhowB.stillC.alreadyD.never【小题17】A.ForB.SoC.ThenD.But【小题18】A.happenB.matterC.appearD.mean【小题19】A.lovedB.helpedC.pitiedD.cheated【小题20】A.askedB.worriedC.caredD.talkedA




【小题1】考查动词搭配:A. brighten up点亮,B. fill up填满,C. take up从事,D. decorate up装饰,后文有提示,作者想要一朵玫瑰来使自己在情人节心情愉快。brighten up 意为“照亮;使高兴”。本题中C 项干扰性最大,take up 意思是“占据”显然不正确。选A

【小题2】考查动词:A. hide 躲藏,B. hang悬挂,C. plant种植,D. stick刺,卡,根据语境判断,作为一个情窦初开的女大学生,作者想要一朵玫瑰挂在自己的衣物柜上,以显示自己的自豪感。本题中A、C 两项干扰性较大,hide“躲藏,藏起来”,不合乎大学生的心态;plant“种植”,不合常理。选B

【小题3】考查形容词:A. mad发疯的,生气的,B. hungry饥饿的,C. angry生气的,D. sad难过的,作者没有收到期望中的玫瑰,因此回家的时候伤心是难免的。选D

【小题4】考查连词:A. before在…前面,B. until直到,C. when当…时候,这时,D. once一旦,此处是固定句型。表示正在干某事时,这时突然发生了什么事情,用when 引导并列句,说明后面的动作出乎意料之外。选C

【小题5】考查动词:A. posting邮寄,B. carrying运送,C. holding持有,D. delivering送,发表,根据语境判断,邮递员是来为作者送花。表示“送货;发信”等,我们习惯用动词 deliver。本题中B 项干扰性较大,carry 也有“运送”之意,但一般是指车、船运载,或人用工具运送,用在此处不合适。选D

【小题6】考查名词:A. chance机会,B. luck运气,C. value价值,D. confidence自信,从后文可知,作者没有想到玫瑰是送给自己的,作者并没有抱任何希望,因此此处说自己没有这么好的运气。选B

【小题7】考查动词:A. Open 打开,B. Read阅读,C. Check检查,D. Break打破,根据常识可知,送花时往往附有贺卡,因此打开卡片了解具体情况。本题中B 项干扰性最大,由下文...and read what it said 可知,此时还没到读的时候。选A

【小题8】考查动词:A. closing关闭,B. moving 移动,C. shaking摇晃,颤抖D. spreading蔓延,传播,由前文可以看出作者对花的渴望,因此在拆开信封时非常激动,手在“颤抖”。选C

【小题9】考查动词:A. praying 祈祷,B. expecting期待。C. doubting怀疑,D. believing相信,作者还是不敢相信花是送给自己的,因此祈祷眼睛没有欺骗自己。本题中B、C 两项干扰性较大,expect“期望”,doubt“怀疑”均不符合作者此时的举动。选A

【小题10】考查形容词:A. sorry对不起,B. curious 好奇的,C. happy快乐的,D. nervous紧张的,前后文联系起来理解,作者先是高兴,然后情绪冷静下来以后就想弄清楚送花的人是谁。本题中B 项干扰性最大,curious“好奇的”,根据上下文可知作者高兴过后才好奇是谁送的花。选C

【小题11】考查动词:A. realizing意识到,B. calling 打电话,C. visiting拜访,D. questioning询问,由下文作者问了好多人可知,作者开始给熟人“打电话”来了解情况。本题中D 项干扰性最大,question 作动词时,意思是“提问,质疑”,显然不合作者想了解实情的语气。选B

【小题12】考查动词:A. informing通知,B. reminding提醒,C. accusing指责,D. telling告诉,从后文可知,作者以为是熟人在开自己的玩笑,因此责备他们不应该开这样的玩笑。accuse 意为“指责,控告”。本题中A、B 两项干扰性较大,inform sb. of sth.“告知某人某事”; remind sb. of sth.“提醒某人某事”,虽然符合搭配,但意义不符合语境。选C

【小题13】考查副词: A. specially特别的,B. actually实际的,C. obviously显然的,D. hopelessly无望的从前文可知作者因为没有收到花,而非常失望,因此作者说自己的浪漫之心已经不抱希望了。hopelessly“不抱希望地”,符合作者心情;其他选项显然不符合逻辑。选D

【小题14】考查形容词:A. surprised惊讶的,B. excited兴奋的,C. amused好笑的,D. disappointed失望的,通过了解情况,作者发现熟人都没有送花给作者,他们也感到奇怪,不知道谁送给作者的花。选A

【小题15】考查形容词:A. considerate考虑周到的,B. distant遥远的,C. secret秘密的,D. generous慷慨的,从下文可知,作者一直没有搞清楚到底是谁送的花,因此此处强调送花者非常神秘。本题中A、D 两项干扰性较大,considerate“体贴的,考虑周到的”,generous“慷慨的,大方的”,不符合送花人送花却不留姓名的神秘。选C

【小题16】考查副词:A. anyhow不管怎样,B. still 仍然,C. already已经,D. never从不,从下文可知,作者一直没有搞清楚到底是谁送的花。本题中A、C 项干扰性较大, anyhow“无论如何”,already“已经”,显然不符合上下文。选D

【小题17】考查连词:A. For因为,B. So所以C. Then然后D. But但是,结合前后语境可知,此句与前句是转折关系,but 引出作者本文议论的重点。for, so 表示前后是因果关系;then 表示前后是承接关系,不合语境。选D

【小题18】考查动词:A. happen发生,B. matter事情,C. appear似乎D. mean意味着,本句的意思是:是否有人暗恋自己,这并不重要,因此用it doesn matter if 这一句型。选B

【小题19】考查动词:A. loved喜爱,B. helped帮助,C. pitied同情,D. cheated欺骗,情人节收到别人送的花因此作者猜测或许有人暗恋自己。选A

【小题20】考查动词搭配:作者强调:只要有人默默地关心(care about)你就行。本题中A、D 项干扰性较大, asked about询问worry 也跟about 搭配,指“担心”;talk about“谈论,讨论”,但显然不合句意及作者想要表达的感想。选C
