2000字范文 > Hilton Shanghai the city's first international hotel has been recognized as a top busine

Hilton Shanghai the city's first international hotel has been recognized as a top busine

时间:2018-07-29 22:32:00


Hilton Shanghai  the city's first international hotel  has been recognized as a top busine


Hilton Shanghai, the citys first international hotel, has been recognized as a top business hotel in Shanghai for its convenient location and outstanding facilities for more than 20 years.

However, the hotels newly appointed general manager Gerd Knaust says it is the people that make the hotel successful.

More than 380 employees have been working with the hotel for more than 15 years. Some of them have personal relationships with customers.

\Its a people-relation business,\ Knaust says. \They really tell me about the stories in the last 15 years. Its something very nice to listen to. Its also a lasting memory for the guests.\

In fact, over the years, some of the guests have stayed in the hotel 200 or even 300 times.

Knaust, who has been working in the hospitality industry for more than 30 years, started his career as a chef in Germany. During his early 30s, Knaust already moved to the top in the culinary (烹调的) field as director of kitchen of Hyatt Regency Cologne in Germany.

After holding several general manager positions in Mandarin Oriental hotels, Knaust joined Hilton International as the general manager to open the Conrad and Doubletree by Hilton at Haitang Bay, Sanya in .

When he was appointed as the general manager of Hilton Shanghai in November, he not only was heavily involved in recruitment, sales and marketing strategies but also he worked closely with the food and beverage team to develop the hotels restaurant concepts and menus.

\I believe that we should offer quality and healthy food.\ he says.

Knaust believes that a hotel must value the customers comments on Ctrip, Trip Advisor and other platforms, etc.

\It keeps us more on guard to be 100 percent professional,\ he says.

【小题1】Why do business travelers choose Hilton Shanghai?A.Because of its location, facilities and good service.B.Because it is in Shanghai.C.Because its general manager is excellent.D.Because some customers are the staff’s relatives.【小题2】From the passage we know .A.Hilton Shanghai is the first international hotel in ChinaB.Gerd Knaust thinks that the staff is the most important in making the hotel successful C.Gerd Knaust has worked in Hilton Shanghai for more than 20 yearsD.most of the employees in Hilton Shanghai have personal relationships with customers【小题3】Knaust joined Hilton International as the general manager to .A.start his career as chefB.be involved in recruitmentC.open the Conrad and DoubletreeD.develop the hotel’s restaurant concepts and menus【小题4】Trip Advisor in the last paragraph but one is likely to be.A.a person who can give you some advice about tripB.a place where you can have a good tripC.an organization which can give you some adviceD.a website where travelers can leave their advice【小题5】What is the passage mainly about?A.First international hotel in Shanghai.B.How to manage a hotel well.C.Knausts management idea.D.Knausts life story.A



解析:本文主要介绍了Hilton Shanghai的总经理Knaust对于一家酒店成功的理念,不在于设施设备,而在于员工所提供的具体的服务。

【小题1】A 细节题。根据文章1,2段as a top business hotel in Shanghai for its convenient location and outstanding facilities for more than 20 years.和However, the hotels newly appointed general manager Gerd Knaust says it is the people that make the hotel successful.可知A项中的内容都是游客选择这家酒店的理由。故A正确。

【小题2】B 细节题。根据文章第二段However, the hotels newly appointed general manager Gerd Knaust says it is the people that make the hotel successful.可知他认为这家酒店成功的主要原因在于人的因素。故B正确。

【小题3】C 细节题。根据文章第六段After holding several general manager positions in Mandarin Oriental hotels, Knaust joined Hilton International as the general manager to open the Conrad and Doubletree by Hilton at Haitang Bay, Sanya in .可知C项内容正确。

【小题4】D 推理题。根据文章倒数第二段 Knaust believes that a hotel must value the customers comments on Ctrip, Trip Advisor and other platforms, etc.可知这里的Ctri应该是一个给顾客方便评论的平台,很可能是一个网站。故D正确。

【小题5】C 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了Knaust对于一家酒店成功的理由,不在于设施设备,而在于员工所提供的具体的服务。故C项正确。
