2000字范文 > I ran into a stranger as he passed by. “I'm so sorry!” was my reply. Then he said “Excuse

I ran into a stranger as he passed by. “I'm so sorry!” was my reply. Then he said “Excuse

时间:2024-04-25 10:41:57


I ran into a stranger as he passed by. “I'm so sorry!” was my reply. Then he said  “Excuse


I ran into a stranger as he passed by. “Im so sorry!” was my reply. Then he said, “Excuseme too... I wasn 36watching for you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. Then we went37our way after saying goodbye.

But at 38 , a different story is told. How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later in the kitchen, as I39our meal, my daughter walked up to me, very still. When I turned, I 40 knocked her down. “Get out of the way!” I shouted with a frown(皱眉). She stepped away silently, with her little heart 41_ . I didn realize how harshly(苛刻地) I had spoken.

That night, when I lay 42in bed, Gods quiet voice spoke to me and said, “While 43 with a stranger, you are calm and polite, but with those you love, you are QUICK to excite... Go look around on the kitchen floor, youll find some flowers there by the 44 . Those are the flowers she brought for you. She 45 them herself-- pink, yellow, and your favorite blue. She stood there quietly, and you never saw the 46in her eyes.”

By this time, I felt sad and small and now my own tears had begun to fall. I quietly went and knelt by her47 : “Wake up, my dear,” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked up for me?” She smiled, “I found them out by the tree. I 48 them in a napkin, just for you. I knew youd like them, especially the 49 .” I said, “I am so sorry that I missed them today... And I 50 have fussed(慌乱)at you that way.”

And she whispered, “Mommy, thats okay... I still love you 51 .” I hugged her and said, “I love you, too and I LOVE the flowers.”

Do you know that: if you die tomorrow, the 52 you are working for could easily replace you in a matter of days. But the family you leave _53 will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into our 54 than into our families--an unwise investment indeed.

Remember that 55 = (F)ATHER -- (A)ND--(M)OTHER -- (I)--(L)OVE--(Y)OU.

【小题1】A.everB.justC.evenD.right【小题2】A.toB.onC.inD.for【小题3】A.schoolB.homeC.workD.office【小题4】A.cookedB.hadC.ateD.took【小题5】A.nearlyB.hardlyC.rudelyD.already【小题6】A.lostB.missedC.beatenD.broken【小题7】A.awakeB.asleepC.afraidD.alive【小题8】A.dealingB.meetingC.goingD.talking【小题9】A.floorB.kitchenC.doorD.window【小题10】A.grewB.boughtC.pickedD.fetched【小题11】A.joy B.expressionsC.smilesD.tears【小题12】A.deskB.kneesC.bodyD.bed【小题13】A.wrappedB.coveredC.putD.help【小题14】A.pinkB.yellowC.blueD.black【小题15】A.shouldn B.needn C.mustn D.can 【小题16】A.indeedB.anywayC.anythingD.besides【小题17】A.countryB.companyC.placeD.state【小题18】A.forB.behindC.with D.to【小题19】A.strangerB.lossC.mealD.work【小题20】A.RESPECTB.WARMTHC.FRIENDD.FAMILYC




【小题1】考查副词:A. ever曾经B. just仅仅C. even甚至D. right恰当,我甚至没有注意到你。选C

【小题2】考查介词:go on doing继续做…,选B

【小题3】考查名词:A. school学校B. home家C. work工作D. office办公室,但是在家里的时候,情况就不一样了。选B

【小题4】考查动词:A. cooked烹饪B. had有C. ate吃D. took拿,我在厨房烧饭的时候。选A

【小题5】考查副词:A. nearly几乎B. hardly几乎不C. rudely粗鲁的D. already已经,当我转身的时候几乎把她撞倒。选A

【小题6】考查动词:A. lost失去B. missed错过C. beaten击败D. broken打破,她悄悄的走到一边,心碎了。选D

【小题7】考查形容词:A. awake醒着的B. asleep睡着的C. afraid害怕的D. alive活着的,那天晚上,我醒着躺在床上。选A

【小题8】考查动词:A. dealing处理B. meeting遇到C. going去D. talking谈话,deal with在这儿是“和…打交道”,选A

【小题9】考查名词:A. floor地板B. kitchen厨房C. door门D. window窗户,你会发现门口有些花。选C

【小题10】考查动词:A. grew增加B. bought买. Picked捡,摘D. fetched去拿,她为你摘的。选C

【小题11】考查名词:A. joy快乐B. expressions表情C. smiles微笑D. tears眼泪,你永远看不见她的眼泪。选D

【小题12】考查名词:A. desk课桌B. knees膝盖C. body身体 D. bed床,我跪在她的床边,选D

【小题13】考查动词:A. wrapped包裹B. covered 覆盖C. put 放D. help帮助,我把它们包裹在纸巾里面。选A

【小题14】考查名词:A. pink粉红B. yellow黄色C. blue蓝色D. black黑色,从前面的your favorite blue.可知选C

【小题15】考查情态动词:A. shouldn 不该B. needn 不需要C. mustn 禁止D. can 不能,我不该这么对你。选A

【小题16】考查副词:A. indeed确实B. anyway无论如何C. anything 任何事D. besides此外,无论如何我还是爱你的。选B

【小题17】考查名词:A. country国家B. company公司C. place地方D. state州,如果你明天死了,你的公司几天就可以换人。选B

【小题18】考查介词:A. for为了B. behind在…后面C. with和…一起D. to去,但是你留下的家庭会余生都会感到遗憾。选B。

【小题19】考查名词:A. stranger陌生人B. loss损失C. meal饭D. work工作,我们把全身心都投入到工作中不是家人。选D

【小题20】考查名词:A. RESPECT尊敬B. WARMTH温暖C. FRIEND 朋友D. FAMILY家人,从后面的句子:(F)ATHER -- (A)ND--(M)OTHER -- (I)--(L)OVE--(Y)OU.可知答案是D
