2000字范文 > BEIJING - China's railway rates for freight and passenger transport will continue to be se

BEIJING - China's railway rates for freight and passenger transport will continue to be se

时间:2020-03-26 23:19:24


BEIJING - China's railway rates for freight and passenger transport will continue to be se


BEIJING - Chinas railway rates for freight and passenger transport will continue to be set by the government, announced a senior official with the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Chinas top economic planner, on Friday.

Cao Changqing, head of the NDRCs department of price, said that the country will continue to implement government-set or government-guided prices for the railway sector after the China Railway Corporation (CRC), a State-owned company that takes over the commercial functions of the former Ministry of Railways (MOR), went into business on March 17.

Cao said the railway sector, constituting Chinas main public transport facilities, is a key basic industry. Its pricing scheme is concerned with both the sectors normal operation and development, as well as the daily traveling and vital interests of the general public.

The state will be very cautious in making any price adjustment in the railway sector, taking into account various factors including operation, construction, public acceptance and coordinated development with other modes of transport, according to the NDRC official.

Under Chinese law and regulations, hearings will be held before adjustments in the basic passenger train ticket fare, Cao said.

In Chinas latest railway reform, endorsed at the just-concluded annual session of the countrys top legislature, the former MOR was dismantled into two parts, with the newly created CRC carrying out business functions and a state railways administration fulfilling administrative functions.

【小题1】What does this passage mainly talk about?A.China’s railway pricing scheme unchangedB.A State-owned company takes over the commercial functions of MOR.C.China’s latest railway reformD.The former MOR was divided into two parts【小题2】What does Cao mean according to the passage?A.There will be adjustment in the basic passenger train ticketB.China’s railway rate for passenger will not be changed foreverC.Hearing will be held before adjustment of railway priceD.The price adjustment are being considered【小题3】What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?A.The public will be very curious about the price adjustmentB.Various factors are taken into account by the state before adjustmentC.Public acceptance is the most important factorD.NDRC should coordinate railway development with other modes of transport【小题4】Why will hearings be held before adjustments in the basic passenger train ticket fare?A.The public request itB.Under Chinese laws and regulationsC.According to the order from leadersD.Because it will cause a lot of problem【小题5】We would most probably read this passage on the newspaper aboutA.NewsB.EntertainmentC.SocietyD.FinancialA




【小题1】A 主旨大意题。根据文章主题段第一段Chinas railway rates for freight and passenger transport will continue to be set by the government, announced a senior official with the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Chinas top economic planner, on Friday.说明中国铁路的定价仍然由国家有关部门来确定,和以前并没有出现变化。故A正确。

【小题2】C 细节题。根据文章倒数第二段最后一句hearings will be held before adjustments in the basic passenger train ticket fare, Cao said说明听证会要在定价之前被举行,故C正确。

【小题3】B 推断题。根据本段前4行The state will be very cautious in making any price adjustment in the railway sector, taking into account various factors including operation, construction, public acceptance and coordinated development with other modes of transport, according to the NDRC official说明要考虑多方面的问题,故B正确。

【小题4】B 细节题。根据倒数第二段最后2行Under Chinese law and regulations, hearings will be held before adjustments in the basic passenger train ticket fare, Cao said.说明按照中国的法律,要这样做。故B正确。

【小题5】A 推理题。根据文章第一行BEIJING -本文属于新闻报告,关于铁路定价的话题,最可能属于报纸中的新闻类故A正确。
