2000字范文 > 【小题1】After the earthquake only few houses ssurvived.【小题2】The family began to ddecorate th

【小题1】After the earthquake only few houses ssurvived.【小题2】The family began to ddecorate th

时间:2020-12-07 06:34:02


【小题1】After the earthquake  only few houses ssurvived.【小题2】The family began to ddecorate th


【小题1】After the earthquake, only few houses ssurvived.

【小题2】The family began to ddecorate the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights a week ago.

【小题3】They ccompeted for the first prize in the race yesterday.

【小题4】I’m looking for the boss who is in ccharge of your company .

【小题5】It’s my great hhonor/honour to represent my school to attend the opening ceremony.

【小题6】 It remains unknown which country will hhost the international tennis tournament.

【小题7】He was aadmitted to Beijing University, which made his family excited.

【小题8】China is a country bbelonging to the Third World.

【小题9】While many people turn to computer for news and movies, it doesn’t mean that the TV set will be rreplaced in the near future.

【小题10】The gloves were ddesigned for extremely cold weather.




【小题2】decorate sth with sth用…装饰

【小题3】compete for为…而竞争,时间是:yesterday.可知是过去时。

【小题4】考查词组:in charge of负责

【小题5】考查句型:It’s a great honor/honour to do sth.做…事是荣幸。


【小题7】考查词组:be admitted to被…录取

【小题8】考查现在分词做定语,belong to不能用被动,用belonging做定语。


