2000字范文 > June was lying by the Olympic size swimming pool in her new swimsuit. She was really hot a

June was lying by the Olympic size swimming pool in her new swimsuit. She was really hot a

时间:2023-06-14 02:50:24


June was lying by the Olympic size swimming pool in her new swimsuit. She was really hot a


June was lying by the Olympic size swimming pool in her new swimsuit. She was really hot and dived into the water. 1else was in the pool. The refreshing water cooled her body immediately, which 2 her to continue doing some laps there. Not having swum in the past several years and being a bit out of3 , June began to tire 4 . “Ah, no pains, no gains,” June thought to herself. June 5 to swim, realizing her head was 6. Breathing became 7. Her sight wasn’t so 8 . She saw the lifeguard and a couple others around the pool. She did not want to bother anyone. She continued.

She found 9 in the middle of the pool. Deciding not to ask for help, she continued to swim.10 , she made it to the other side of the pool. Sickness, weakness and exhaustion(精疲力竭)11 it difficult for June to get out of the pool.12she stood, her body slowly shook back and forth, losing her 13.

Realizing she needed help but 14to even say anything, she15 the pool side and stood there. Several minutes later she had enough energy to only pull her body up out of the pool.

16at the side of the pool with her feet in the water she felt that someone was 17at her. It was the 18 . June was just able to 19 her hand, telling him she was okay.

Have you ever found yourself in a(n)20where you’re in trouble and you don’t ask for help? There is nothing wrong in asking for help. June could have drowned. However, we all have the tendency, as June did.

【小题1】A.Someone B.EveryoneC.Anyone D.No one【小题2】A.encouraged B.advised C.allowed D.forced【小题3】A.shapeB.time C.mindD.fashion【小题4】A.hardly B.falselyC.easilyD.unexpectedly【小题5】A.remained B.stopped C.happened D.continued【小题6】A.sufferedB.hurt C.suffering D.hurting【小题7】A.looseB.difficultC.easyD.tight【小题8】A.sure B.clean C.clear D.poor【小题9】A.one B.it C.herselfD.her【小题10】A.Lastly B.Finally C.Suddenly D.Surprisingly【小题11】A.found B.madeC.let D.felt【小题12】A.Since B.As C.Until D.Unless【小题13】A.balanceB.courage C.chance D.life【小题14】A.readyB.unableC.proud D.afraid【小题15】A.came across B.lay on C.leaned against D.fought with【小题16】A.JumpingB.Standing C.SittingD.Walking【小题17】A.laughing B.staring C.glimpsing D.shrugging【小题18】A.policemanB.lifeguardC.doctorD.nurse【小题19】A.hold B.lend C.waveD.move【小题20】A.situationB.condition C.atmosphereD.environmentD





【小题2】前文提到水很凉爽,这样就鼓励着她继续做一些运动,故选A 鼓励。force强迫

【小题3】她过去几年没有游了,身体有点走样了。out of shape 身体走样、不适。故选A。out of time 不合时宜out of fashion过时的 out of mind心不在焉的

【小题4】后文可知,没有耕耘就没有收获,所以前面应该是很容易变得厌倦。故选C。Bfalsely 虚伪地


【小题6】她意识自己头正在疼痛,hurting 疼痛,故选D。suffering 患病的


【小题8】视线要不是很清晰,clear 清晰的 故选C。




【小题12】当她站起来的时候,她的身体慢慢的前后晃动,as 当…时候故选B


【小题14】根据前文,意识到自己需要帮助又不能说,故选unable 不能



【小题17】她感觉有人在盯着她,star 凝视、盯着 glimps一瞥 shrug耸肩,故选B

【小题18】根据前文She saw the lifeguard and a couple others around the pool.可知,他就是那个救生员,故选B


【小题20】situation处境、情形 condition条件 atmosphere 气氛 environment 环境,根据句意,应是处于困境的情况下,又不想寻求帮助,故选A。
