2000字范文 > Life became hard when I was 14. My mother and I moved to New York to 36 my father who’d m

Life became hard when I was 14. My mother and I moved to New York to 36 my father who’d m

时间:2020-10-29 04:44:17


Life became hard when I was 14. My mother and I moved to New York to 36 my father  who’d m


Life became hard when I was 14. My mother and I moved to New York to 36 my father, who’d moved there to find 37 work when I was three years old. He had a job at a restaurant and only visited us 38 every couple of years.

Before I moved, I knew that people in the US spoke English. But honestly, I didn’t stop to analyze the 39 when I was 40 to leave. Just like I assumed I could easily become a doctor or a lawyer. I assumed that I had the skills to learn English in a few weeks.

When I 41 in the US and started 8th grade at Ditmas Middle School in Brooklyn, everyone was speaking a(n) 42 language I couldn’t understand. I 43 that life had subtitles, like in foreign movies. School was such a serious place here. Sometimes I felt like I was in a geek(呆子) class. The teachers were always 44 my moves so I couldn’t even throw a paper ball at a classmate’s head. And the worst thing was having to read 45

46 after almost seven months of complaining about everything, I realized that complaining didn’t change things. 47 just made my life worse. If I was going to 48 in this new concrete jungle, I had to 49 . I began to learn English by reading newspapers on my own 50 school. After about four months, I started enjoying reading the crime and sports stories. After six months of studying, my teachers 51 my improvement and moved me into a more 52 English class. I could go to the store and ask for things that I wanted to buy without 53 frustration. For the first time I felt like I was living on earth again 54 .I didn’t hear foreign talk. I 55 understand people.

【小题1】A.findB.joinC.seeD.help【小题2】A.good-lookingB.well-dressedC.better-payingD.highly-thought【小题3】A.onceB.otherC.eachD.only【小题4】A.caseB.conditionC.situationD.state【小题5】A.packingB.tryingC.managingD.arranging【小题6】A.reachedB.enteredC.gotD.arrived【小题7】A.strangeB.unusualC.standardD.foreign【小题8】A.hopedB.wishedC.expectedD.demanded【小题9】A.staringB.lookingC.checkingD.watching【小题10】A.textsB.newspapersC.EnglishD.poems【小题11】A.AlthoughB.Even ifC.ButD.Since【小题12】A.ItB.TheyC.ID.Things【小题13】A.liveB.studyC.surviveD.continue【小题14】A.adaptB.adoptC.adoreD.admire【小题15】A.forB.inC.afterD.at【小题16】A.madeB.noticedC.concernedD.remember【小题17】A.modernB.advancedC.difficultD.convenient【小题18】A.evenB.everC.someD.any【小题19】A.if B.thoughC.everD.because【小题20】A.couldB.shouldC.wouldD.mightB




【小题1】考查动词;A. find发现B. join参加,C. see看见D. help 帮助,这里表示;和父亲汇合。选B

【小题2】考查形容词:A. good-looking相貌好看的B. well-dressed穿着考究的,C. better-paying报酬更高的,D. highly-thought 高度评价的,better-paying可以修饰job



【小题4】考查名词:A. case案件,情况B. condition条件C. situation形势D. state 状态,句意:我没有停下来分析形势。选C。

【小题5】考查动词:A. packing打包,B. trying尝试C. managing设法做D. arranging安排,句意:在我整理行李要离开的时候。选A。

【小题6】考查近义词;这几个词都有到达的意思:A. reached是及物动词,B. entered是及物动词,C. got不及物动词,要加to,D. arrived 不及物动词,接大地点要接in,小地点要接at,选D

【小题7】考查句意理解:从后面的I couldn’t understand. 可知是外语foreign,选D


【小题9】考查动词辨析:A. staring盯着B. looking看C. checking检查D. watching注视,句意:老师总是注视着我的行动。AB都是不及物动词,选D。

【小题10】考查上下文衔接:下文提到:I began to learn English by reading newspapers on my own 可知这里填newspapers,选B



【小题13】考查动词:A. live 生活,B. study学习C. survive幸存D. continue继续,句意是:如果我要在这个弱肉强食的大城市生存下来的话。选C。

【小题14】考查单词辨析:A. adapt适应,改编,B. adopt收养,采纳C. adore喜爱 D. admire羡慕,敬佩,句意:我得适应。选A。

【小题15】考查介词:after school放学后。选C

【小题16】考查动词:A. made 制作,B. noticed注意到C. concerned关心D. remember记住,句意:老师注意到我的进步。选B。

【小题17】考查形容词:A. modern 现代的B. advanced高级的,C. difficult困难的D. convenient方便的,从前面的improvement可知老师让作者去了advanced English class 英语高级班,选B

【小题18】考查词义:withoutany frustration 没有任何挫败感。选D


