2000字范文 > Ann a mother of 3 children is a warm-hearted social worker and she has done a lot to help

Ann a mother of 3 children is a warm-hearted social worker and she has done a lot to help

时间:2023-09-09 21:58:06


Ann a mother of 3 children  is a warm-hearted social worker and she has done a lot to help


Ann,a mother of 3 children, is a warm-hearted social worker and she has done a lot to help people 36. The family’s dinner conversation often turns to local poor families, and she 37tries her best to seek help for them. This year, Ann 38that Santa Claus would make a special 39to a young unemployed mother named Ashley, who was 40two sons by herself.

One Sunday morning, the family were joyfully having breakfast 41the phone rang, saying that the aid she had requested for Ashley had 42. No Santa Claus, no presents, nothing. On hearing the news, Ann noticed the 43disappear from her childrens faces. Kinzie, the youngest one, 44down from her chair and ran out of the kitchen room. In a matter of 45, she returned carrying her piggy bank and began to 46the coins over and over again, $3.30 in total. “Mom,” she shook her head 47, “I know its not much. But maybe this will buy a 48for the children.” Then suddenly everyone was reaching into their pockets and 49their purses. Immediately the money –- coins and bills 50on the table. On Christmas Eve, Ann as well as Kinzie drove to Ashley’s house. After Ann wished the 51woman a merry Christmas, she began to unload the gifts from the car, 52them to Ashley one by one and told her the whole story.

Ashley was moved to tears 53the words: Kinzie opened not only her piggy bank but also her 54, and my children as well as I myself would be able to do something 55for someone else in need.

【小题1】A.in timeB.in needC.in troubleD.in sight【小题2】A.thereforeB.evenC.alwaysD.already【小题3】A.expectedB.believedC.dreamedD.promised【小题4】A.presentB.arrangementC.appointmentD.visit【小题5】A.raisingB.producingC.adoptingD.attending【小题6】A.untilB.whileC.sinceD.when【小题7】A.failedB.arrivedC.passedD.stopped【小题8】A.angerB.expressionC.cheerD.worry【小题9】A.satB.slippedC.fellD.got【小题10】A.daysB.timeC.secondsD.hours【小题11】A.pourB.pickC.stareD.count【小题12】A.sadlyB.happilyC.excitedlyD.repeatedly【小题13】A.clothesB.toyC.presentD.cake【小题14】A.emptyingB.feelingC.openingD.finding【小题15】A.filled upB.grew upC.blew upD.piled up【小题16】A.astonishedB.pleasedC.amusedD.embarrassed【小题17】A.showingB.handingC.unfoldingD.shouldering【小题18】A.overB.byC.withD.for【小题19】A.mindB.smileC.sympathyD.heart【小题20】A.importantB.similarC.valuableD.differentB



解析: 略
