2000字范文 > Not long before my daughter's shoes were scratched with a knifeShe burst into 36 .I took

Not long before my daughter's shoes were scratched with a knifeShe burst into 36 .I took

时间:2019-08-29 12:45:42


Not long before  my daughter's shoes were scratched with a knifeShe burst into 36 .I took


Not long before, my daughters shoes were scratched with a knife.She burst into 36 .I took them to the shoemaker to get them 37 .

The young apprentice (学徒) glanced at the opening and said, 38I can do except replace the upper. His master looked at them and said to me, If you 39me, I will add more scratches on both of the shoes. K^S*5U.C#O%

I was 40and asked why.

He explained, As if the openings were made 41for the sake of special style and reuse.

Two days later I found there were indeed more scratches on 42shoe, but all the openings were patched (打补丁) by soft red leather with edges sewed by thick thread, 43more unique and interesting than ever.I couldn help but 44the masters skill.

Another time, my wifes sisters white blouse had been torn, leaving a large opening on the back.My wife 45the blouse carefully, and then said, Let me take it 46 _ and mend it.

Seeing the blouse again, I was shocked: all the torn parts had been sewed up by thin and 47thread and they 48a look of ice crystal (冰晶) hanging from a winters branch. 49, she had attached a snowman and a cabin made of flowery cotton rags onto the shirt.I 50with praise, Its just as beautiful as a piece of 51!

I was inspired by that craftsman.Patches are supposed to be 52 , but a skillful craftsman can make it take on a kind of perfection, replied my wife.

Her words inspired me even more: Perfection is 53to achieve in everything; Patches are unavoidable, so is humans life.Since you can 54the existence of wound, you should not expect peoples 55by exposing the wound, which reveals nothing meaningful.

【小题1】A.laughter B.cheersC.tearsD.speech【小题2】A.madeB.repairedC.decoratedD.preserved【小题3】A.AnythingB.SomethingC.EverythingD.Nothing【小题4】A.trustB.informC.appointD.convince【小题5】A.annoyed B.confusedC.disappointedD.discouraged【小题6】A.on purposeB.by accidentC.in vainD.beyond control【小题7】A.neitherB.anyC.everyD.each【小题8】A.remainingB.growingC.lookingD.feeling【小题9】A.appreciateB.witnessC.praiseD.describe【小题10】A.deliveredB.checkedC.washedD.ironed【小题11】A.outsideB.downtownC.home D.abroad【小题12】A.red B.white C.pinkD.purple【小题13】A.took on B.put onC.decided onD.focused on【小题14】A.ThereforeB.OtherwiseC.AnywayD.Besides【小题15】A.sighedB.signedC.greetedD.paused【小题16】A.cakeB.artC.furnitureD.jewellery【小题17】A.prettyB.attractiveC.toughD.ugly【小题18】A.easyB.improperC.likelyD.impossible【小题19】A.changeB.imagineC.standD.prove【小题20】A.respectB.friendshipC.sympathyD.apologyC



