2000字范文 > 英语中表示“人”这一概念的词有哪些


时间:2021-06-17 01:41:05






答 1. person, 表示“人”的最基本用词,泛指一切人。

When a person is learning a foreign language, he must not always be translating everything into his own. 当一个人学习外语时,不要老是把什么都译成自己的母语。

2. people, 表示“人们, 人民”,不用复数形式,但主谓一致,要看作复数,谓语动词也用复数。当people表示“民族”时常用复数形式。

How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人?

The Chinese people are a hard-working people. 中国人民是勤劳的人民。

There are many peoples in China. 中国有许多民族。

3. human being,指“人”以区别于动物或鬼神。有时用于指“人类”。与一般可数名词一样,有单数形式a human being和human beings。

In those days the white did not treat the black slaves as human beings. 过去白人并不把黑人当人看。

They were not the bones of an animal, but a human being. 它们不是动物的骨头,而是人的骨头。

4. mankind,“人类”,不指个别“人”,本身无复数形式,一般不与冠词连用。

They hope to find new resources for mankind. 他们希望为人类找到新的资源。

Penicillin was a great medical discovery for mankind. 青霉素是人类在医学上的伟大发现。

5. creature,泛指生物,指“人”时,常带有感情色彩。

Her daughter is a lovely creature. 她女儿是个可爱的姑娘。

What a poor creature he is! 他真是个可怜虫。

6. folk(s),表示“人们”或家里“人”。

The ants has two stomachs in its body, one for itself and one for carrying food to the folks back home. 蚂蚁体内有两个胃,一个留自己用,一个用来带食物给在家里的人们。

7. follow,表示“人或家伙”, 一般用于口语指男性。如:

The fellow I spoke to made no answer at first, looked me up and down, noticed that I was almost in rags, then said, “Just a minute.” 我所问的那人起初一声不响,上下打量我,注意到我衣衫褴褛,然后说:“稍等”。

The boy always gets up late. He is a lazy fellow. 这孩子总是起得很晚。他是个懒家伙。

8. man“人”, 指男性,复数为men, 但指“人类”时,只用单数形式,其前不用冠词。

The man you shook hands with is our English teacher. 你与之握手的那人是我们的英语老师。

Man is fighting a battle against pollution. 人类正在与污染作斗争。

9. woman“人”, 指女性, 复数为women。

The young woman you just talked to is his sister. 你刚才与之说话的那位年轻女子是他的姐姐。

其它指“人”的词,如: grown-up成年人,the white白人,the black黑人,the blind盲人,the sick病人, the rich富人,favourite特别喜爱的人,founder奠基人, master主人,Mrs夫人,worker工人,enemy敌人,Chinese中国人,Japanese日本人等。
