2000字范文 > 每日新闻|美国国际开发署继续在刚果民主共和国抗击埃博拉疫情


时间:2020-01-22 14:07:37



The United States is committed to stopping the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, also known as the DRC. Nearly 2,900 people have beeninfectedsince the outbreak began over a year ago, with nearly 2,000 fatalities.

US Agency for International Development, or USAID, Administrator Mark Green recently traveled to the DRC to support and strengthen the ongoing response to the second largest outbreak of Ebola in history. He met with officials from the Government of the DRC, non-governmental organizations, United Nations, and donors. Administrator Green discussed ways to better engage Ebola-affected communities in the response, strategies to increase donor funding, and ways to keep healthcare workers safe.

USAID’s Disaster Assistance Response Team,comprisedof U.S. government experts and supported by staff at U.S. Embassy Kinshasa, is on the ground in the DRC to help end the outbreak. Together with partners, the United States has trained more than 19,200 healthcare workers on best practices to avoidinfection, supported 1,680 people to conduct diseasesurveillance, and strengthened infection prevention and control measures in more than 360 health facilities. The United States has also provided enough food for 300,000 people and reached more than two million people with critical messaging to stop diseasetransmissionand improve local community health.

Speaking at a pressroundtablein the DRC, Administrator Green cited conflict and corruption as impacting the Ebola response andemphasizedthat “fighting Ebola is not just a medical crisis; it is a development crisis.” USAID is helping to address underlying development issues in the region in order to improve community trust and communication.

The United States views its partnership with the DRC as a high priority, said U.S.

Ambassador to the DRC Michael Hammer. “That’s why we have technical experts here from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who have two decades plus of a relationship with Congolese health authorities.” The United States also has the National Institutes of Health on the ground in the DRC working on clinical studies of promising Ebola treatments.

“We see this partnership with Congo as very important,” said Ambassador Hammer, “not just for Congo and the American people, but for the world.”


USAID is helping to addressunderlyingdevelopment issues in the region in order to improve community trust and communication.

underlying 潜在的

To stop a problem you have to understand itsunderlyingcauses.



美国国际开发署署长Mark Green最近前往刚果民主共和国,支持并加强正在进行的应对历史上第二大埃博拉疫情的工作。他会见了刚果民主共和国政府的官员、非政府组织、联合国和捐助者。Green署长讨论了如何更好地让受埃博拉影响的社区参与应对、增加捐助资金的战略,以及如何确保卫生保健工作者的安全。



美国驻刚果民主共和国大使 Michael Hammer 表示,美国将与刚果民主共和国的伙伴关系视为一项高度优先事项。“这就是为什么我们这里有来自疾病控制和预防中心的技术专家,他们与刚果卫生当局有着20多年的合作关系。” 美国还派国家卫生研究院在刚果民主共和国开展临床研究,研究有前景的埃博拉治疗方法。

“我们认为与刚果的这种伙伴关系非常重要,”Hammer 大使称,“不仅是为了刚果和美国人民,也是为了全世界。”
