2000字范文 > 听写204期| Sweat bullets 流汗如子弹(超级紧张)

听写204期| Sweat bullets 流汗如子弹(超级紧张)

时间:2019-09-23 21:15:52


听写204期| Sweat bullets  流汗如子弹(超级紧张)

文 | 爱听英语

听写是提升听力的有效方法,每个工作日我会完成一篇听写,最近听写空中英语教室的Info Cloud。Info Cloud每期都会介绍有趣的单词、短语、俚语、谚语,以及英美文化知识,还有中文老师进行讲解。学习知识的同时,不经意间锻炼了听力,一举多得,是练习听力的绝佳材料。有兴趣的可以和我一起听写,然后相互对照听写内容。

Rex:Welcome to InfoCloud friends.Last weekend I was supposed to hang out with Josh and Joe, but something came up.I sent Joe a message and got a strange reply.Joe:I think I told you don"t sweat it.I guess that"s kind of an extraordinary expression, isn"t it?Rex:I figured it means to not worry, and I later learned it"s a pretty common expression.Joe:It is. You can hear it in all sorts of circumstances.Someone might text their supervisors because they are running later for a meeting.Rex:Their supervisor may respond "Don"t sweat it, just come as soon as you can".Joe:This means that being late isn"t a big problem.In English we sometimes associate sweat with worrying.Rex:That"s why there is the expression sweating bullets.Bullets means the person is sweating a lot.Joe:But the real idea is that the person sweating bullets is extremely worried or stressed.Rex:I was sweating bullets when I thought I deleted this month"s scripts.Joe:Another good expression we used is "Don"t sweat the small stuff".This means to not worry about little problems.Rex:We bump into problems everyday, but it"s not healthy to always be worrying.Joe:Right, it"s best to take a deep breath and don"t sweat the small stuff.Rex:现代人生活紧张,我们需要时时刻刻地互相提醒Don"t sweat the small stuff,别为小事情担忧,或是别为小事抓狂。sweat就是流汗,人紧张的时候就会流汗,small stuff就是小事情。因此,Don"t sweat the small stuff就代表不要为一些不重要的小事紧张兮兮的。你也可以说Don"t sweat it来告诉别人“别担心!没什么大不了的。”另一方面,当你听到有人正在sweat bullets,那就代表TA已经紧张到不行了。因为bullet是子弹,sweat bullets就是代表一个人的汗水像子弹一样飙出来,也就是汗如雨下的意思。I was sweating bullets when I thought I lost my phone.我以为手机不见了,我超级紧张的。这就是今天的InfoCloud,我们下次云端见。
