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作文常用词 过渡衔接加分句

时间:2021-04-12 03:12:55


作文常用词 过渡衔接加分句


首先 at first, first of all, to begin with,

还有/而且 what’s more, moreover, in addition,furthermore, besides,

最后 finally, last but not least, at last, eventually,

总之 in a word, on the whole, in short,


副词 Strongly(强烈地), firmly(坚定地), extremely(尤其特别非常), increasingly(越来越), greatly

形容词delighted, thrilled, satisfying


1.To one’s + n 令... 怎么样的是...

To one’s delight, to one’s disappointment, to one’s satisfaction

2.Be of + n = be + adj

Be of great value(很重要), be of great use(很有用), be of great help(很有帮助), be of great benefit(很有好处)

3.To make things better, (更好的是)

To make things worse, (更糟糕的是)

4.When it comes to sth/ doing sth (当提到...时)


As we all know, / as is known to all,

It is known to all that.../ what is known to all is that...

6.Be faced with(面对)、be determined to do(下定决心...)、be delighted to do (高兴做...)、be thrilled to do (高兴做...)、be buried in(埋头于...)

7.在我看来 from my point of view,In my opinion,

As far as I am concerned, I firmly argue that...

8.Can’t wait to do (迫不及待做...)

9.Can’t help doing (情不自禁做...)

10.Have no choice but to do(别无选择只能...)


1.I would appreciate it if... (如果...我将会很感激)

例 I would appreciate it if my application could get your approval.

2.There is no doubt that...(...是毫无疑问的)

3.It is a truth (universally acknowledged )that...(...是举世公认的真理)

4.It is an honor for me to do sth.(对于我来说做...很光荣)

5.What is far more important is that ... (更重要的是)

6.From my point of view, it would be better if... (在我看来,...会更好)

7.It can be said with certainty that...(可以肯定地说...)

There is no denying that

It can’t be denied that

There is no doubt that

8.Hearing/Learning/Knowing that..., I will/I am writing to ...

9.Delighted/Thrilled to know that..., I will ...

10.I think it important/necessary to do sth (我认为...很重要/必要)

11.Taking my suggestions into consideration, I believe you will ...(把我的建议靠里进去,我相信你会...的)

12.I am longing for your reply.

13.If you are interested, please send an application email at your earliest convenience.

14.We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you.

15.I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.
