2000字范文 > 糖糖:公司奖我一部「苹果手机」 打开盒子 里面是一个苹果和一个诺基亚

糖糖:公司奖我一部「苹果手机」 打开盒子 里面是一个苹果和一个诺基亚

时间:2024-03-01 15:02:57


糖糖:公司奖我一部「苹果手机」 打开盒子 里面是一个苹果和一个诺基亚

It’s that magical time of the year. The leaves are changing, the pumpkin is spicing and Apple rolls out a bunch of iPhones we don’t need.


When iPhone 11 hears its own price…


Everyone has his own theory where the inspiration that Apple got for the new camera design.


Apple, on September 11, held an event to unveil the iPhone 11, which will come in black, white, yellow, green, purple and red. Coincidentally, those are the same colors that racist people say they don’t care if you are.


Tim Cook「苹果」公司首席执行官:Here"s the same iPhone,but in new military green colour.


Apple is not messing around. They’ve already taken over phones, now they’re trying to take over watches, they’re launching TV shows, they’re trying to take over video games. Yeah, next year, Popeyes, watch out — they’re going to come out with a chicken sandwich.


Our prediction for next generation of iPhone.


If Apple sold water, the slogan would be "Clean, Simple, Wet"!And change itslogo to blue!

