2000字范文 > Dressed in rouge with Yves Saint Laurent Beauté

Dressed in rouge with Yves Saint Laurent Beauté

时间:2022-01-09 23:55:40


Dressed in rouge with Yves Saint Laurent Beauté

Show how to dress up your lips in Rouge Pur Couture The Slim Sheer Matte!


There’s no boundary, no restrain, no established rule in YSL’s world. Following the pioneering spirit of Mr. Yves Saint Laurent, “breaking the rules, challenging the rules”, the new YSL Rouge Pur Couture The Slim Sheer Matte was launched in Shanghai in the beginning of December.


The party was hosted on the banks of the Huangpu River. The silver lights and shadows on the riverside at night echo the free, edgy and boldness of YSL style. The overall design, decoration and music of the event embodied the YSL pioneering spirit to create an immersive party experience.派对场地坐落于黄浦江畔,夜晚江边的银色灯带与YSL圣罗兰自由,大胆,颠覆的姿态完美呼应。YSL将美妆、音乐与光影结合,再次用一场颠覆感官,极具魅力的沉浸式派对,点亮冬日的上海。Brand ambassador, fashion icons, top medias and stylist artists all attended the party in style to #DRESSEDINROUGE.当天,黄浦江畔万头攒动,众多品牌好友、顶尖媒体人、时尚达人与造型师受邀盛装出席派对,实力证明 #YSL 红出界# 的不羁魅力。

At the party, Mr. Xing Xiachun, General Manager of YSL Saint Laurent Beauté China, Mr. Stephan BEZY, Global General Manager of YSL Saint Laurent Beauté, Ms. Joelle SAADIA, General Manager of L"Oreal (China)Luxury Division, YSL Global Makeup Creative Director Tom PECHEUX, YSL Global Brand Ambassador Ms. Edie CAMPBELL and YSL Saint Laurent’s beauty pioneer musician Kim Hyun-ya, were together to announce the launch of new YSL Rouge Pur Couture The Slim Sheer Matte.

派对现场,YSL圣罗兰美妆中国品牌总经理邢夏淳先生、YSL圣罗兰美妆全球总经理 Stephan BEZY 先生,欧莱雅(中国)高档化妆品部总经理 Joelle SAADIA 赛雅乐女士,携手YSL圣罗兰美妆全球彩妆创意总监 Tom PECHEUX ,YSL圣罗兰全球形象大使 Edie CAMPBELL 与YSL圣罗兰美妆音乐先锋金泫雅向现场嘉宾及YSL圣罗兰美妆的挚友们隆重宣布 #YSL红出界# 暨YSL「小银条」新品发布派对的正式开启。

The overall design of the space was inspired by the new YSL Rouge Pur Couture The Slim Sheer Matte itself. The slender passages and the angular stage, all showing the uninhibited concept and innovative design of the YSL thin lipstick tube family.派对现场的整体设计灵感来自于新品YSL「小银条」本身,细长的通道与棱角分明的舞台,无不展现YSL细管家族的不羁理念与革新设计。

Step into the venue entrance along the red cement corridor to the giant eye-catching silver bars in neon tubes at the corners, as strong signals to show clear direction in the dark, which attracts people to continuously enter the psychedelic space flicked by the veil.沿入口处的红色水泥通道步入活动场地内,转角巨型的小银条霓虹灯夺人眼球,在黑暗中吸引来宾前去探索纱幔轻拂的迷幻空间。

Through color and light projecting on the semi-transparent voile and the mirror stainless steel walls around reflecting the smoke and voile, the texture of YSL semi-transparent couture fabric being used in YSL Rouge Pur Couture The Slim Sheer Matte were revealed to the guests.色彩与光线透过薄纱轻盈律动,营造出「小银条」膏体上唇后薄纱般的轻盈触感,饱和色泽与透视哑光相结合的高级质地,仿若慵懒随性却又柔中带刚的YSL女性,在迷雾中潜行穿梭,却无丝毫恐惧,皆因其内心坚定的女性力量与追求自由的不羁态度。

The coolest thing for the audience was the recreation of the laserrays of the YSL Rouge Pur Couture The Slim Sheer Matte global promotional film scene. Enter the mysterious corridor of red laser lights and shadows to reach treasure case withboth leather matte and sheer matte lipsticks. You are invited to cross the cordon line like the heroine in the commercial and take the treasure as your own.全场最酷的便是一比一还原「小银条」全球宣传片场景的激光射线, 红色光影相互交织的神秘通道中,由高定银色金属打造的巨大宝箱若隐若现。邀你像广告片中的女主角一样,巧妙跨越警戒线,将宝物占为己有。

Cross the laser lights tunnel, you can see the 12-color matte and mirror surface pillars displaying the 12 new couture colors with strong visual impact. The DRESSED INROUGE tag on the wall as YSL Women statement to show an unbound attitude of self-confident and freedom.

继续不羁前行,便能看到以12色哑光搭配镜面的立柱,极具视觉冲击力地展现了YSL「小银条」的12款全新高定色号,墙上DRESSED IN ROUGE标语为YSL女性再度呈现忠于自我、自由前卫的随性姿态。

Those who are interested in the Rouge Pure Couture The Slim Sheer Matte texture, but do not know how to choose the color number, can find their own one in the self-service makeup test area.对「小银条」薄纱透视哑光质地感兴趣、却不知该如何选择色号的朋友,都可以在自助试妆区找到属于自己的那一支,薄涂温柔,厚涂气场。

Finally, reach the main area opened for the stage. Five giant LED large screens looped the commercial block buster starring Edie CAMPBELL. With the cool linkage of the huge laser beams, it seemed that the entire stage area was caught in a crisis of "red lips alert".

最终,派对于主舞台正式开启。五块巨型LED大屏幕循环播放由 Edie CAMPBELL 领衔主演的广告大片,配合着巨大激光束的酷炫联动,仿佛整个舞台区域都陷入危机重重的“红唇警戒”之中。

The treasure cases falling from the sky are patchy, forming a fascinating secret in the infinitely extended space reflected by the red mirror. These little treasure cases were also offered as a gift to all the guests when leaving the party, symbolizing that each YSL special guest successfully completed the mission of exploring the new Rouge Pur Couture The Slim Sheer Matte.从天而坠的小型宝箱错落有致,在以红色镜面反射的无限延伸空间中,组成一个令人心驰神往的秘境。这些小宝箱也在当晚的派对离场时分,作为伴手礼送给到场的所有嘉宾,象征着每一位YSL特邀嘉宾最终圆满完成了今晚的新品探索任务。Havas Events Shanghai teams are honored to worktogether with Yves Saint Laurent Beauté, the makeup, fragrance and skincare signature of the most subversive Parisian couture brand. Fashionistas and beauty gurus are showing the way to #DRESSEDINROUGE !

Havas Events Shanghai 团队很荣幸能与代表着巴黎最具颠覆性的时装品牌旗下的化妆品、香水和护肤品的圣罗兰美妆进行合作。与时尚达人和美容大师一起,红装即武装 #DRESSEDINROUGE 。

