2000字范文 > 重庆农村商业银行公开招聘工作人员考试题库


时间:2019-12-19 12:48:04



模块一 英语测试

Passage 1

When a savings account is opened in a bank,the depositor must sign a deposit agreement,By signing the agreement,the depositor agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the bank. These rules and regulations vary with different banks and may be altered and amended from time to time. At this time,a passbook may be given to the depositor. This is a small book in which the bank teller enters the date and amount of each deposit or withdrawal and initials the entry. The passbook is to be presented at the bank or mailed to the bank along with a deposit or withdrawal slip each time when money is deposited or withdrawn from the account. An alternative practice for depositing or withdrawing money from a savings account is to give the depositor a small register for recording deposits and withdrawals and a pad of deposit-withdrawal forms.

This procedure eliminates the use of the passbook. Each time a deposit or withdrawal from savings is made. The appropriate part of one of the forms is filled in,signed,recorded in the register and presented or mailed to the bank with deposit items or other documents. The bank gives a machine-printed receipt to the depositor or returns it by mai1. There should be a separate savings account in the ledger to record these activities.

Traditionally,the principal differences between a savings account and a checking account are that interest is paid regularly by the bank on a savings account and withdrawals from a savings account may be made at the bank or by mail by the depositor or an authorized agent. Depositors use checking accounts primarily as a convenient means of making payments,while savings accounts are used primarily as a means of accumulating funds with interest. An increasingly common practice is for the bank to combine savings and checking accounts and get depositors’ permission to make automatic transfers of funds from the savings portion to the checking portion whenever the latter falls below a specified minimum balance. This amounts to giving the depositor an interest-earning checking account. [中国工商银行真题]

1. What is the primary purpose of a savings account? (  )

A. For interest.

B. For transfer of funds.

C. For accumulating funds with interest.

D. For making profits.


【解析】从第二段的句子“savings accounts are used primarily as a means of accumulating funds with interest”可直接得出答案为C项。

2. What is the aim of a small register and a pad of deposit-withdrawal forms? (  )

A. To attract deposits.

B. To improve bank services.

C. To eliminate the use of the passbook.

D. To promote banking business.


【解析】本题可从文中直接找出答案,根据第一段的句子“This procedure eliminates the use of the passbook”可知答案为C项,即这一做法是为了取消银行存折的使用。

3. What is the purpose of signing a deposit agreement? (  )

A. To follow the bank’s rules and regulations.

B. To have the right to make full use of the bank’s facilities.

C. To open an account in the bank.

D. To protect the depositor’s interest.


【解析】由首段第二句话“the depositor agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the bank”可知答案为A项,即签订保障金协议目的是使存款人遵守银行的规则。

4. What does a depositor do with a passbook? (  )

A. He makes deposits with a bank.

B. He withdraws money from a savings account.

C. He withdraws money from a checking account.

D. Both A and B.


【解析】由第一段“The passbook is to be presented at the bank or mailed to the bank along with a deposit or withdrawal slip each time money is deposited or withdrawn from the account”可知,存款人可以使用银行存折在银行存、取款。

5. For what purpose does a bank try to combine a savings account and a checking account? (  )

A. For holding more funds.

B. For covering the checking account falling below the specified minimum balance.

C. For automatic transfer of funds.

D. Both B and C.


【解析】由文章倒数第二句“An increasingly common practice is for the bank to combine savings and checking accounts and get depositors’ permission to make automatic transfers of funds from the savings portion to the checking portion whenever the latter falls below a specified minimum balance”可知答案为D项。
