2000字范文 > 英语六级翻译练习题及译文


时间:2020-10-11 01:20:38





复杂的汉字(Chinese characters)书写体系是中国古代文化遗留下来的瑰宝。而这一体系正面临着退化的命运。随着电脑和智能手机的迅速发展和普及,年轻人拿起笔却写不出字来的现象越来越常见。若不借助电子产品的帮助,很多人难以写出10万个日常用字。为此,中央电视台开播了一档汉字听写比赛(Chinese Character Dictation Competition)节目,以引起人们对汉字的重视,帮助观众提高汉字书写能力。

1.第1句中的“是中国古代文化遗留下来的瑰宝”如果逐字对译为isa treasure left over by Chinese ancient culture,则出现英文表达逻辑错误,left over by应后接施动者,而Chinese ancient culture 显然不合适,故“遗留下来”应省译,而用介词of表达“汉字简体系”和“中国古代文化”之间的所属关系。

2.第3句“随着......,......的现象越来越常见”可套用句型with... comes a commonly seen phenomenonthat。年轻人拿起笔却写不出字来的“现象”的同位语,由that引出,译为young people are barely able towrite with pen In hand, “拿起笔”可译为时间状语从句when they take up the pen,但不如介词短语withpen in hand来得简单、地道。

3.第4句中的“很多人难以写出10万个日常用字”可套用句型sb. find it hard/difficult to do sth.,译为many people find it hard to write 10,000 characters frequently used in daily life。

4.最后一句中的“以引起……,帮助……”,两个并列结构均表目的,故将其译作状语to arouse... andimprove...。


The complex writing system of Chinese characters is a treasure of Chinese ancient culture. But this system is facing a decline. With the rapid development and popularity of computers and smart phones comes a more commonly seen phenomenon that young people are barely able to write with pen in hand. Without the help of an electronic product, many people find it hard to write 10,000 characters frequently used in daily life. Thus, the CCTV launched a program, "Chinese Character Dictation Competition", to arouse people's attention to Chinese characters and improve the audience's handwriting ability.


中国古代四大发明(the Four Great Inventions)—造纸术、火药、印刷术、指南针对全世界产生了巨大而深远的影响。纸张的发明大大促进了文明的传播与发展。火药的发明非常偶然,炼丹师(alchemist)在制作长生不老药(elixir)的时候偶然制成了火药。唐代末期,火药被用于战争,13世纪时传到了全世界。在唐代印刷术的基础上,北宋毕昇发明了活字印刷术(movable-type printing),开启了印刷史上的伟大革命。中国古人利用天然磁石制成了第一台可以辨别方向的指南针,大大增强了船只的远航能力。


Papermaking, gunpowder, printing and compass are the Four Great Inventions of ancient China that have exerted a great and far-reaching impact on the entire world. The invention of paper greatly contributed to the spread and development of civilization. The birth of gunpowder was quite accidental. It was invented inadvertently by alchemists while attempting to make an elixir. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, gunpowder was used in military affairs, and was spread to all over the world in the 13th century. On the basis of printing in the Tang Dynasty, BiSheng in the Northern Song Dynasty invented the movable-type printing, which lauched a great revolution in the history of printing.Natural magnets were made into the first direction-finding compass by ancient Chinese people, which greatly improved a ship's ability to navigate over long distances.


丝绸之路(the Silk Road)不仅是古代重要的贸易通道,也是一座连接中西方文化的桥梁。通过丝绸之路,中国的四大发明传到了西方,而西方的宗教信仰也传到了中国。自从汉朝张骞开辟了举世闻名的丝绸之路,到元朝的灭亡,它大约经历了1600年的历史。丝绸之路起始于长安,穿过河西走廊(Hexi Corridor),到达敦煌,在那里丝绸之路被分成了三条线路—南线、中线和北线。这三条线路遍及新疆维吾尔自治区(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region),并向外延伸,扩展到了巴基斯坦、印度,甚至罗马。

1.古代重要的贸易通道:可译为a vital ancient traderoute。

2.一座连接中西方文化的桥梁:可译为a bridge linking thecultures of China and the West。


The Silk Road is not only a vital ancient trade route,but also a bridge linking the cultures of China and the West,through which the Four Great Inventions of China and religious beliefs of the West were introduced into their counterparts.From Zhang Qian opening up the world-famous Silk Road during the Han Dynasty,to the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty,it experienced a history of about 1,600 years.The Silk Road begins at Chang'an,and then by way of Hexi Corridor,it reaches Dunhuang, where it divides into three branches-the Southern Route,Central Route and Northern Route.The three Routes spread all over Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,and extend as far as Pakistan,India and even Rome.
