2000字范文 > 豪斯医生经典语录二


时间:2022-12-04 08:14:07



House: Depends on what you mean by good. I like the chairs.

这得看你对好医院的定义了,我喜欢这里的椅子. Dr. Foreman: Isnt treating patients why we became doctors? 医治病人难道不是我们成为医生的原因吗?

House: No, treating illnesses is why we became doctors. Treating patients is what makes most doctors miserable.

不,医治疾病才是我们做医生的原因,医治病人则是医生痛苦的根源. Dr. Wilson: I love my wife. 我爱我老婆 House: You certainly love saying it. 当然,你爱这样说。


chase说,这只是宗教信仰 house:you talk to God,youre religious.God talks to you,youre psychotic. 你和上帝说话,你是信仰者,上帝和你说话,你是精神病

House: But I have a theory. There is one chemical that, if ingested, it causes a persons estrogen level to increase dramatically.

我有个理论,有一种药品被服用后会导致病人体内的雌激素水平大幅上升. Bill: What is it? 那是什么? House: Its called...estrogen. 雌激素 一患者志向是成为黑人议员,

House: Youre not going to be President either way - they dont call it the White House because of the paint job

你无论如何都成不了总统的,白宫之所以叫白宫可不是因为它是给漆成白色的. House: People dont want a sick doctor. 人们不喜欢生病的医生. Dr. Wilson: Thats fair enough, I dont like healthy patients.


Dr. Wilson: You will lie, cheat and steal to get what you want, but youre incapable of kissing a little ass? 你为了得到你要的结果可以坑蒙拐骗,无所不用,怎么就不能稍稍拍拍马屁呢? House: Well, we all have our limitations.


House: No, there is not a thin line between love and hate. There is a Great Wall of China with armed sentries posted every 20 between love and hate. 爱与恨并非只有一线之隔,爱与恨之间隔着一道十步一岗,五步一哨的zg长城.

House: Lift up your arms. You have a parasite.

抬起你的手臂,你体内有个寄生虫. Jill: Like a tapeworm or something? 你是说象绦虫一类的东西? House: Lie back and lift up your sweater.You can put your arms down. 撩起你的毛衣,躺下,把手放下来

Jill: Can you do anything about it?

你能除掉它吗? House: Only for about a month or so. After that it becomes illegal to remove, except in a couple of states. 在大多数洲里,除掉超过一个月大的这种寄生虫是非法的. Jill: Illegal? 非法的?

House: Dont worry. Many women learn to embrace this parasite. They name it, dress it up in tiny clothes, arrange playdates with other parasites...

别担心,很多女人都会喜欢她们的寄生虫,给它起名字,穿衣服,还让它和其他的寄生虫一起玩. Jill: Playdates House: (showing her sonogram) It has your eyes. 它的眼睛很象你(这位女士怀孕了)

Dr. Wilson: Im still amazed youre in the same room as a patient.

真令我惊讶,你居然还和患者呆在一间屋子里. House: People dont bother me until they get teeth. 没长牙的小家伙我倒不怕. House: As long as youre trying to be good, you can do whatever you want.


Dr. Wilson: And as long as youre not trying, you can say whatever you want. 只要你不去尽力,你就可以说任何你想说的话. House: So between us, we can do whatever we want. We can rule the world!


House: So whats her name and when do I get to meet her? 她的名字叫什么,我什么时候能见到她?(盘问Wilson的约会对象) Dr. Wilson: Theres nobody! Give it up! 别瞎猜了,根本没这回事

House: Your lips say no, but your shoes say yes.

你嘴上说不,可你的鞋子泄露了真相(WILSON换了双漂亮的新鞋) Dr. Wilson: Theyre French. You cant trust a word they say. 它们是法国货,法国人的话一句都不能信 Dr. Foreman: Why are you riding on me?


House: Its what I do. Has it gotten worse lately? 我就是这样子,最近我变得更厉害了吗? Dr. Foreman: Yeah. Seems to me. 对我来说是的. House: Really? Well, that rules out the race thing. You were just as black last week.


Dr. Forman: Ten-year olds do not have heart attacks. Its got to be a mistake. 10岁的孩子不会得心脏病,肯定有什么地方错了 House: Right. The simplest explanation is shes a 40-year old lying about her age. Maybe an actress trying to hang on.


Dr. Cameron: Ill check into it. 我去查查这个 Dr. Foreman: Ill make the call. 我去打电话 Dr. Chase: Ill keep the kid alive. For a while at least. 我去保持那孩子活着.至少能维持一会儿.

House: Ill have lunch.

我去吃午饭 Dr. Foreman: Oh, Cameron, I need you for a couple of hours. Cameron,你有空吗? Dr. Cameron: Whats up? 什么事? Dr. Foreman: When you break into a house, its always better to have a white chick with you.


House: What would you prefer - a doctor who holds your hand while you die or who ignores you while you get better?I guess it would particularly suck to have a doctor who ignores you while you die.


House: Another reason I dont like meeting patients. If they dont know what you look like, they cant yell at you. 我不喜欢见病人的另一个原因就是,如果他们不知道你的样子,他们就没法冲你大吼大叫.

Dr. House: The most successful marriages are based on lies. Youre off to a great start.

成功的婚姻都是谎言的基础上建立起来的,你已经开了个好头. House: What do you know about the nun? 你对那个修女有什么看法? Dr. Chase: Which one? 哪一个?

House: The cute one. I think she likes me. The sick one, obviously.

漂亮的那个,我想她喜欢上我了. 当然是生病的那个!!!! House: You told me you hadnt changed your diet or exercise. Were you lying? Samantha: Lying? House: Does your husband have high blood pressure? Samantha: My husband?

House: Yeah, see, if youre going to repeat everything I say, this conversations going to take twice as long.

Dr. Foreman: The kid was just taking his AP calculus exam when all of a sudden he got nauseous and disoriented. 这个孩子在微积分考试当中突然感到恶心眩晕. House: Thats the way calculus presents. 当然这是微积分的作用啦

House: I assume minimal at best is your stiff upper lip British way of saying no chance in hell?

我认为你说的有可能就是根本没指望了的英国表达方式. Dr. Chase: Im Australian. 我是澳大利亚人 House: You put the Queen on your money. Youre British.

