2000字范文 > 澳洲弗林德斯大学奖学金 高达25%学费减免!

澳洲弗林德斯大学奖学金 高达25%学费减免!

时间:2019-08-20 05:24:52


澳洲弗林德斯大学奖学金 高达25%学费减免!

好消息!据老师获悉,申请攻读弗林德斯大学本科和研究生课程的国际新生,只要符合申请要求,就有机会获得弗林德斯“超凡Go Beyond”奖学金,为学位课程提供前两个学期25%的学费减免。








- 本科:申请人的最新学历总成绩需至少超过弗林德斯大学ATAR同等入学成绩5分

- 硕士:申请人的最新学历总成绩至少超过弗林德斯大学入学平均成绩要求(GPA)0.5个绩点

- 本硕连读:满足入学要求的申请者













·Creative arts





·Information technology



·Public health


·Social work


Business 商科

·Bachelor of Accounting

·Bachelor of Accounting (Advanced Leadership)

·Bachelor of Accounting and Finance

·Bachelor of Accounting and Finance (Advanced Leadership)

·Bachelor of Banking and Finance

·Bachelor of Banking and Finance (Advanced Leadership)

·Bachelor of Business

·Bachelor of Business (Advanced Leadership)

·Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)

·Bachelor of Business (Innovation and Enterprise)

·Bachelor of Business (International Business)

·Bachelor of Business (Management)

·Bachelor of Business (Marketing)

·Bachelor of Business (Sport Management)

·Bachelor of Business (Supply Chain Management)

·Bachelor of Business Economics

·Bachelor of Business Economics (Advanced Leadership)

·Bachelor of Commerce

·Bachelor of Finance

·Bachelor of Finance (Advanced Leadership)

·Bachelor of Finance and Business Economics

·Bachelor of Finance and Business Economics (Advanced Leadership)

·Master of Accounting

·Master of Accounting and Finance

·Master of Accounting and Marketing

·Master of Business

·Master of Business (Finance)

·Master of Business (Human Resource Management)

·Master Business (International Business)

·Master of Business (Marketing)

·Master of Business Administration (specializations in Finance, Health)

·Master of Business Administration / Master of Health Administration

Creative Arts 创意艺术

·Bachelor of Creative Arts (Enterprise)

·Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design) – 4year

·Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design)

·Bachelor of Creative Arts (Digital Media)

·Master of Screen and Media Production

Education 教育

·Master of Education

·Master of Education (Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice)

·Master of Education (Early Childhood Studies) 1.5 years

·Master of Education (Early Childhood Studies) 2 years

·Master of Education (Educational Research, Evaluation and Assessment)

·Master of Education (Gifted Education)

·Master of Education (Languages Education)

·Master of Education (Leadership and Management)

·Master of Education (Special Education)

·Master of Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health)

·Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)

·Master of Teaching (Primary R-7)

·Master of Teaching (Secondary)

·Master of Teaching (Special Education)

·Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Engineering 工程

·Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours)

·Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours)/ Master of Engineering (Biomedical)

·Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours)

·Bachelor of Engineering (Computer and Network Systems) (Honours)

·Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) (Honours)

·Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics) (Honours)

·Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry

·Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours)

·Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours)/ Master of Engineering (Biomedical)

·Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) (Honours)

·Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) (Honours) /Master of Engineering (Electronics)

·Bachelor of Engineering (Software) (Honours)

·Bachelor of Engineering Science

·Master of Engineering (Biomedical)

·Master of Engineering (Civil)

·Master of Engineering (Electronics)

·Master of Engineering (Materials)

·Master of Engineering Science

·Master of Engineering Science (Biomedical)

·Master of Engineering Science (Electrical and Electronic)

·Master of Engineering Science (Materials)

·Master of Engineering Science (Mechanical)

·Master of Engineering Science (Software)

Enironment 环境

·Master of Environmental Management

·Master of Science (Groundwater Hydrology)

·Master of Science (Water Resources Management)

Government 政治

·Master of Arts (International Relations)

IT 信息技术

·Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems

·Bachelor of Computer Science

·Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)

·Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)

·Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (Honours)

·Bachelor of Information Technology

·Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Health Systems) (Honours)

·Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Media)

·Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Media) (Honours)

·Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)

·Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems)

·Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) (Honours)

·Bachelor of Information Technology (Simulation and Serious Games)

·Bachelor of Information Technology (Simulation and Serious Games) (Honours)

·Master of Geospatial Information Science

·Master of Information Technology

·Master of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems)

·Master of Science (Computer Science)

Law 法学

·Bachelor of Criminology

·Bachelor of Criminology (Honour) – 4 year direct entry

·Bachelor of Law and Society

·Bachelor of Law and Society (Law Pathway)

·Bachelor of Law and Legal Practice

·Bachelor of Law and Legal Practice (Graduate Entry)

·Bachelor of Law and Legal Practice (Graduate Entry) (Honour)

·Bachelor of Law and Legal Practice (Honour)

·Bachelor of Laws

·Graduate Diploma in Psychology(Advanced)

Psychology 心理学

·Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)

·Bachelor of Psychological Science

·Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)

Public Health 公众健康

·Master of Health and International Development

·Master of Public Health

Science 科学

·Bachelor of Science

·Bachelor of Science (Animal Behaviour)

·Bachelor of Science (Biodiversity and Conservation)

·Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)

·Bachelor of Science (Chemical Sciences)

·Bachelor of Science (Coasts and Oceans)

·Bachelor of Science (Energy and Advanced Materials)

·Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)

·Bachelor of Science (Forensic & Analytical Science)

·Bachelor of Science (Geography)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Animal Behaviour)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biodiversity and Conservation)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biotechnology)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Chemical Sciences)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Chemical Sciences) / Master of Engineering (Materials)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Coasts and Oceans)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Energy and Advanced Materials)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Environmental Science)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Forensic and Analytical Science)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Geography)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Hydrology)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Biology and Aquaculture)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Biology)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Molecular Bioscience)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Nanotechnology)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Palaeontology)

·Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Physics)

·Bachelor of Science (Hydrology)

·Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology and Aquaculture)

·Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology)

·Bachelor of Science (Molecular Bioscience)

·Bachelor of Science (Nanotechnology)

·Bachelor of Science (Palaeontology)

·Bachelor of Science (Physics)

·Master of Biotechnology

·Master of Nanotechnology

·Master of Science (Aquaculture)

·Master of Science (Chemistry)

·Master of Science (Mathematics)

·Master of Science (Physics)

Social Work 社会工作

·Bachelor of Social Work
