2000字范文 > ART技术 ART technology英语短句 例句大全

ART技术 ART technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-24 04:18:07


ART技术 ART technology英语短句 例句大全

ART技术,ART technology

1)ART technologyART技术

1.This paper reflects on the rapid development of ART from the aspects of birth and marriage separation,the strike on the traditional family model and the trend of commercialization,and points out the positive significance ofART technology for female caring.针对迅速发展的ART技术,从生育与婚姻的分离、对传统家庭模式的冲击、"商业化"倾向等角度进行了思考,指出辅助生殖技术运用对倡导女性关怀的积极意义。


1.Clinical effects of atraumatic restorative treatment(ART) and its practicability in the prevention of dental caries in school children;ART技术在儿童恒牙防龋中的临床应用

2.Application of Grey ART Clustering Analysis in monitoring physiological and chemical index of competitive sports;灰色ART聚类分析法在竞技体育生化指标监控中的应用

3.The Study of Relationship between Endometrial Thickness and Pregnancy in ART;ART中子宫内膜厚度与妊娠关系的研究

4.ART Inhibits Growth of Leukemic Cell Lines and Its Mechanisms;ART抗白血病作用及其机理的初步研究

5.Chinese traditional elements in Art Deco architecture;Art Deco建筑中的中国传统元素

6.Exploration on Construction and Function of ART Ethics Committees;ART伦理委员会构建与作用的探讨

7.Application of improving ART-2 network in bearing detection改进ART-2网络在轴承检测中的应用

8.An Improved ART Algorithm Based on Linear Travel Time Interpolation Ray Tracing基于LTI射线追踪的改进的ART算法

9.Relief Design and NC Machining Based on Mastercam X Art基于Mastercam X Art的浮雕设计与数控加工

10.Practical Difficulties and Care for Female in the Utilization of Assisted Reproductive TechnologyART运用中倡导女性关怀及现实困境

11.Relief Model CAD/CAM Based on Mastercam X Art基于Mastercam X Art的浮雕模型CAD/CAM

12.The Embedded System of Lighting Control Base on Art-Net Protocol Research and Design;基于Art-Net协议的嵌入式调光系统的研究与设计

13.ART Neural Network Clustering Algorithm and Its Application to Intrusion Detection;ART神经网络聚类算法及其在入侵检测中的应用

14.Application of Fuzzy ART neural network for evaluation of banking credit risk;Fuzzy ART研究及在银行信用风险评估中的应用

15.The Influence upon Shanghai Modern Architecture of the Art Deco Style;Art Deco对上海近代建筑的影响及其现代意义

16.Classification of the real estate property market based on ART neural network;基于ART神经网络的房地产物业市场的聚类分析

17.Research of ART-2 Network in IPv6 Intrusion Detection SystemART-2网络在IPv6入侵检测中的研究与应用

18.Optimization and Applied Researching for Genetic Algorithm Based ART Network基于遗传算法的ART网络优化及其应用研究


Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)辅助生殖技术(ART)

3)Line ArtLine-Art

4)Adaptive Resonance Theory-Kohonen Neural Network(ART-KNN)ART-KNN

1.Integrated with case-based reasoning(CBR) and Adaptive Resonance Theory-Kohonen Neural Network(ART-KNN),a Cucumber Fusarium Wilt(CFW) intelligent forecast method was proposed in this paper.结合基于案例推理(CBR)方法和ART-KNN网络,提出了一种黄瓜枯萎病(CFW)的集成智能预测方法。

5)ART netART网

6)algebraic reconstruction techniqueART算法

1.Research of high quality reconstruction onalgebraic reconstruction technique;ART算法高质量重建研究


coated art paper分子式:CAS号:性质:供铜版印刷用的一种涂料加工纸。根据不同用途,可分为单面或双面涂布。有平板纸和卷筒纸。定量一般为70~150g/m2,也有双面涂布达180~250g/m2。纸质均匀紧密,白度较高(85%以上),纸面光滑光泽度高,涂层坚牢一致,便于在印刷后获得精美清晰的图案和文字。铜版原纸用漂白化学木浆或配以部分漂白化学草浆在造纸机上抄造而成。以原纸为纸基,将白色颜料(也称白土,如高岭土、滑石粉、碳酸钙、二氧化钛等)、胶黏剂(聚乙烯醇、干酪素、改性淀粉、合成胶乳等),以及其他辅料(如光泽剂、硬化剂、塑化剂、分散剂、润湿剂、乳白剂、荧光增白剂、调色剂等),在涂布机上进行均匀涂布加工,并经干燥和超级压光而制成。用于高级美术印刷、挂历、招贴画、画册、彩色插图、书刊封面和广告商标等。
